Dickinsonian, May 18, 1904

The Interscholastic Track and Field Sports Meet is held at Dickinson. The schedule for the 121st Annual Commencement is announced. The four founding members of Phi Kappa Sigma are honored on the 50th anniversary of the fraternity's founding at Dickinson. Plans for an ice cream social on the lawn of the Ladies' Hall are finalized. 


Dickinsonian, May 11, 1904

New plans for Denny Hall are released and indicate that the new Denny Hall will be far superior to the original. The senior class outing was a great success. Freshmen receive new caps and tussle with sophomores who try to steal them. A fine portrait of President William Neill (president 1824-1839) is presented to the college by his granddaughter Miss Sophia Neill Howell.


Dickinsonian, May 4, 1904

New plans for Denny Hall are released and promise that the new building will be far superior to the original structure. The senior class outing to Pine Grove is a great success. Miss Sophia Neill Howell, granddaughter of the Rev. William Neill, D.D., President of Dickinson College 1824-1839 presents the college with a portrait of her grandfather for the Chapel Hall. The freshmen obtain new caps and proceed to tussle with sophomores who steal them. 


Dickinsonian, February 3, 1904

Phi Psi purchases a chapter house, the baseball season is set to begin and Phi Kappa Sigma hosts a dance. The Dickinsonian examines the life and influence of "Uncle" Noah Pinkney who was born a slave in Frederick County, Maryland and then sold pies and cakes to students outside of East College for over 20 years.


Dickinsonian, June 5, 1903

Overview of senior class.  Dickinson, Fraklin & Marshall, Penn State and Swarthmore draft a constitution for an Inter-Collegiate Debating League.  Phi Kappa Psi moves house.  The class of 1893 holds its tenth anniversary reunion.  Statistics from baseball and track seasons.  President Reed gives three rooms in Old West to the YMCA.  Belles Lettres elects officers.  Class of 1902 issues its first annual letter.  Theta Lambda Phi to open new fraternity house at 150 W Louther.


Dickinsonian, May 25, 1912

Inauguration of President Noble is planned. Professor George A. Crider leaves Dickinson to become a pastor. Summary of track and baseball seasons. Dickinson performs poorly in fifth annual intercollegiate track meet. Harry McKeown wins gold medal and Wesley P. Griffiths wins silver medal in Pierson oratorical contest. Theodore Bunger receives fellowship to American School at Athens, Greece. List of members of Class of 1912. Financial report of the Dickinsonian for the 1911-1912 year.


Dickinsonian, May 15, 1912

Baseball defeats Gettysburg 4-3. Track ties Gettysburg. Gettysburg defeats tennis. President and Mrs. Noble hold reception for senior class. Senior class revives tradition of holding sings on steps of Old West. Adam Nagay and Lester W. Auman win sophomore oratorical contest. Senior class takes annual trip to Luray Caverns. Student Senate elections are held. Class of 1915 elects its officers.


Dickinsonian, April 3, 1912

Combined Musical Clubs make annual spring break tour. YMCA Presidents' Convention to be held at Dickinson. Simon Pauxtis is selected as baseball and football coach for 1912. Description of the work of the Library Guild. Sophomores win annual Sophomore-Freshman basketball game. Union Philosophical Society holds elections.


Dickinsonian, April 8, 1899

In the first game of the season, the baseball team wins 25 to 1 against Mercersburg. The coming track events are announced. The Y.M.C.A. committees are announced for the coming year. The intercollegiate and interscholastic races will be held on Franklin Field at the University of Pennsylvania. Thanks to The Dickinsonian, a book of Dickinson songs will be compiled. Improvements are being made to the athletic field.

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Dickinsonian, April 15, 1899

The baseball team wins 8 to 6 against Albright, while the Dickinson Reserves loses to Mercersburg Academy. The Glee Club and Orchestra travels south to Coatesville to perform. The Phi Kappa Psi convention was attended by representatives from all the colleges in the area. Tomorrow the prominent blind musician Edward Baxter will perform in Bosler Hall.


Dickinsonian, May 26, 1899

Dickinson defeats the Carlisle Indians in baseball.The annual baseball game between the Freshman and Sophomore classes is held. Tea party for women of the Hall on Pomfret street. Belles Lettres Sophomore oratorical contest occurs in Bosler Hall. Professor T. A. Schurr comes to Carlisle to lecture students and visit the Carlisle Indian School. 

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Dickinsonian, June 2, 1899

Carlisle Indians defeat Dickinson in baseball. Dickinson is defeated by State College in the state track meet. The 1900 Microcosm becomes available to students. Article on the career of Dr. Price. Phi Kappa Sigma, Phi Kappa Psi, Beta Theta Pi, Phi Delta Theta, Sigma Alpha Epsilon, and Omega Alpha Iota all hold banquets during commencement week.

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Dickinsonian, March 25, 1899

The revised baseball schedule is announced. The Ladies of the college held a reception for the Freshman Class. The results of the Prep School strength tests are announced, revealing that on average the prep school students are stronger than the freshmen and sophomores. The Dickinsonian Board of Editors elects Boyd L. Spahr as Editor-in-chief. The new officers of the Belles Lettres Society are announced.

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Dickinsonian, February 11, 1899

Robert H. Richards gave an address on the “Life and Services of John Dickinson” at the college at Bosler Hall. Rev. Cassard gives a lecture on the "Indiana". The Y. M. C. A. was addressed by Earl Taylor to talk about the Student Missionary Campaign.The basketball team continues to prepare for their games this season. The annual catalogue shows the school’s growing numbers. The baseball schedule is announced.


Dickinsonian, November 19, 1898

The football team wins against Gettysburg and Lebanon Valley. This was the first game Dickinson played against Gettysburg in five years; the colleges had stopped interactions due to several grievances between them. The constitution of the Athletic Association is analyzed after the question of the election of baseball managers arises. Recipients of the Reed and Dare prizes are announced.


Dickinsonian, May 19, 1923

Track team wins Central Pennsylvania Collegiate Track Conference. Baseball team beats University of Delaware. Extensive commencement program announced. Student Tribunal System adopted with amendments after heated debate. Men's Glee Club to give concert in Bosler Hall. Spotlight on Colbert N. Kurokawa, '22, and his work with the Hawaiian YMCA. Track team to compete in Mid. Atlantic Track Association Meet.


Dickinsonian, May 5, 1923

Budget for upcoming term is adopted, with student body vote of 425 to 3. Baseball team defeats Ursinus. Founders' Day program completed by Social Committee, drama festival to be featured. Men's Senate moves to increase College spirit by reviving customs. More information on commencement week program given by Social Committee. Professor Vuilleumier develops another device for determining alcohol content, "The Dickinson Vestpocket Alchometer". YMCA cabinet to establish information booth on campus. Freshman class opposes present honor system.


Dickinsonian, April 28, 1923

College Baseball and Track teams both defeat opponents in Saturday match-ups. Dramatic Club experiences difficulty in choosing cast for "The Importance of Being Earnest" to be performed on June 4. Mile relay team to compete in Penn Relays. College YMCA to send representatives to student conference in Gettysburg. Women's Athletic Association plans new point system for women athletes. Commencement program announced by President Morgan. Spotlight on Helen Wehrle, '22, and her unusual experiences teaching the children of Tennessee mountaineers.

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Dickinsonian, April 14, 1923

Combined Glee Clubs to present operetta. Seniors selected to participate in annual class day program. Baseball team wins opening game, loses second. Track team opens with meet against Johns Hopkins. Tennis team to open season with match at Lehigh. Basso Clarence Tittman to perform recital at chapel. Greek Club to present the "12 Labors of Heracles" at exhibition. Small fire discovered in basement of Kappa Sigma fraternity house.

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