Dickinsonian, March 2, 1933

Student committee on social affairs and the faculty social committee to change organization of social functions. About 25 students plan to go to Washington, D.C. for Franklin Roosevelt's presidential inauguration. Junior class votes to have Microcosm dedicated to Mr. Malcolm, the college's treasurer and superintendent of the grounds and buildings. Plans for students to go to a performance of one of Wagner's operas commence. Metzger Hall gets brighter lights by request of its residents. President Waugh proposes changes to the curriculum, which the faculty will vote on soon.

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Dickinsonian, December 1, 1932

The chapter of Phi Delta Theta will host a convention on December 2 and 3 for several chapters of the fraternity. Discussion over the college's short wave radio broadcasting station and the messages it is able to send out and receive. Ping Pong becomes popular on campus. The very successful coach of Colgate's football team graduated from Dickinson. Holiday dance o be held December 16th. Summary of football season.


Dickinsonian, June 3, 1932

Professor Russell I. Thompson to receive PhD from Yale due to thesis focusing on Carlisle public schools. Class Day held for seniors. President Karl Tinsley Waugh inaugurated. Profile of Karl Tinsley Waugh. The Dickinsonian places ninth in the nation at collegiate newspaper competition. Summary of 1931 football season. General Alumni association holds elections to its board. John Wesley Oler is highest academic achiever of class of 1932, receives James Fowler Rushing prize. Davis Roland Hobbs is second-highest academic achiever of class of 1932, receives John Patton memorial prize.


Dickinsonian, April 2, 1936

The All-College Social Committee plans "Leap Year Week" at the urging of students. During this week, several events for women are planned, culminating in the Pan Hellenic Dance on April 4. The Dramatic Club holds auditions for their final production of the year: Torch-Bearers. The college raises money to benefit the communities around Harrisburg affected by a recent flood. The Dramatic Club presents their past production Big Hearted Herbert at the Carlisle High School to raise money for the American Red Cross and flood relief.


Dickinsonian, April 12, 1928

Several sports teams begin their campaigns: the track team in a dual meet against Schuykill at Biddle Field; the tennis team against the netmen of Franklin and Marshall; and the baseball team away against Penn State University.  It is announced that United States Commissioner of Education John James Tigert, L.L.D., will be the commencement speaker on June 4th.  Professor Leon C. Prince becomes set to deliver a series of addresses throughout Pennsylvania and Maryland following his March 29th address on "Modern Axes and Ancient Landmarks".  Professor Paul H.


Dickinsonian, October 6, 1927

The football team opens their season with an 8 to 0 win over Juniata College. The College Body looses 198 students from last year who fail to return for various reasons. The Athletic Association debates dropping baseball as an Intercolligate sport at Dickinson. 103 men, 63% of the freshman class, pledge to fraternities.

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Dickinsonian, May 20, 1937

The seniors are honored in a five day program, including addresses and the academic procession. The baseball team ended their losing streak in a victory against Delaware. This year is the fiftieth anniversary of the graduation of the first woman of Dickinson College. A Dickinson songbook is completed, containing all of the songs of Dickinson College. The Student Senate chooses new leaders for the coming year. The track team wins against Gettysburg. The Dramatic Club holds elections and revises its constitution. The baseball team loses to Gettysburg.

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Dickinsonian, May 1, 1937

The Founder’s Day issue of the Dickinsonian. President Corson gives a speech concerning the childish views in which most people view religion, and promotes introspection as a way to fix personal problems and be happy. Wheel and Chain taps eight new members. Methodist Bishop and former Dickinson trustee William Fraser McDowell died in his home Monday. The Debate team wins against Muhlenberg College in the final debate of the season. The Athletic Association awards Letters and elects a new basketball manager. Founder’s Day is celebrated with addresses and a memorial service.


Dickinsonian, April 24, 1937

The Guest Day issue of the Dickinsonian. The annual celebration of Founder’s Day turns into a double celebration with the fiftieth anniversary of the founding of the local chapter of Phi Beta Kappa. Bill Depp wins the Skull and Key Award for Outstanding Activity. Pennsylvanians celebrate the 146th birthday of former US President and Dickinson grad James Buchanan. The Debate Team wins against Ursinus.


Dickinsonian, April 15, 1937

The Microcosm announces its newly revised staff. At a faculty meeting, it is decided that students with an average 90% and higher will be granted an unlimited number of absences, given that they maintain their A average. The Dramatic Club presents its newest show, a comedy entitled The Royal Family. A student calculates the statistical chances you will have at any given time of the day to succeed at getting a call through to one of the young ladies at Metzger Hall.

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Dickinsonian, March 4, 1937

William Pearson Tolley, President of Allegheny College, gave a talk warning about the abandonment of land and a regression to wilderness, in contrast to the establishment of civilization. Clarence B. Hendrickson was given the award as All-Around Dickinsonian. The first baseball practice of the season will be held Monday. The Junior Prom included several Irish traditions, including a Blarney Stone and shamrock ceiling. The college announces a new award for good scholarship that will be awarded to multiple students.


Dickinsonian, May 1, 1953

Educators Mark Burkhart and David Swartz to speak at an upcoming meeting of Future Teachers of America. Celebrated artist, William Robinson Leigh to visit campus. Dean Amos Horlacher to take leave for graduate study at Columbia University. The Dickinson Debate Team places first in the Duquesne Novice Tournament in Pittsburgh. Profile on Dickinsonian Loma Rein. Detailed article covering the upcoming Spring Follies, Mermaid Players' production, and Drama Festival. Dickinson Baseball defeats Franklin and Marshall. Sophomore girls win the Inter-Class Bowling Tournament.

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Dickinsonian, April 24, 1953

Dr. William L. Tayler is elected to serve on the National Council of the American Association of University Professors. Omicron Delta Kappa named the Dickinson College Debate Team as the most outstanding college activity. Profile on Dickinsonian Ted Adourian. Dickinson Baseball defeats Western Maryland College.


Dickinsonian, May 30, 1942

Junior class, Class of 1943, elects president. Student Senate decides that Rushing will not occur during the summer session. the 169th Commencement. Approximately 120 students are enrolled for the summer session. the 1942 Microcosm comes out on time. Six high school seniors are awarded Trustee scholarships. Article describing the events and guests of Commencement. Twenty intercollegiate athletes will graduate this commencement from Dickinson. Article about four years of college by a Senior female student. Article on history of Carlisle and war.


Dickinsonian, April 18, 1942

Colonel Mathews brought in to teach the 'Pre-Induction Training Courses." Two Dickinson graduates begin aviation training. Dr. Landis, professor of Mathematics, dies. College staff member, George Shuman Jr, asks alumni for old issues of the Freshmen Handbook. A national survey discovers that fraternity members have higher grad averages than non-fraternity members.


Dickinsonian, May 11, 1939

Details of several new student elections and awards. Baseball team beats University of Delaware and Temple University. Golf team wins against Western Maryland University. They also earned their first intercollegiate invitation tournament by defeating Baltimore University.


Dickinsonian, April 29, 1939

Dr. Popenoe, Director of the Institute of Family Relations in Los Angeles, holds a marriage clinic during chapel. Mal Hallet and his nationally famous orchestra will play at the Commencement Ball. Details of Founders' Day event. Dickinson Baseball defeats Mt. St. Mary's in Guest Day match. Track team beats Susquehanna and breaks two records.


Dickinsonian, June 7, 1952

Seven men to receive honorary degrees at commencement. Donald Masten is elected president of Union Philosophical Society. Program for Commencement Weekend (Senior Day, Alumni Day). Five rising freshmen (Kenneth Dietrich, Theodore Sky, John Matta, Joanne Judd, Barbara Boffenmeyer) receive Trustee Scholarship. Men's tennis finishes season 6-2. Men's basketball finishes season 1-18. Baseball finishes season 7-3. Track and field finishes season 4-4. Men's lacrosse finishes its first season 2-4.


Dickinsonian, May 11, 1951

New officers of Omicron Delta Kappa are elected for the new year, naming Donald Taylor as president. Dr. Ward Miner to give a talk on novelist William Faulkner in an upcoming Belles Lettres meeting. Results of a recent student interest poll are listed. The first Guest Day in nine years proves to be a success. Jerry Weinstein is elected the new President of Student Senate. Dickinson baseball defeats Juniata. Beta Theta Pi receives the Inter-Fraternity sports trophy. The tennis team beats Western Maryland. Philosophy professor, Ferdinando D. Maurino's book to be published soon.


Dickinsonian, May 4, 1951

Dr. Clarence Little was awarded an honorary degree of Doctorate of Humane Letters at the Founder's Day event. Profile on Professor Ralph Schetcher. The tennis team wins three matches and loses one. Dickinson lacrosse defeats Franklin & Marshall, but loses its first ever game in a match against West Chester. The baseball team wins against Susquehanna. Phi Psi remains undefeated in the Inter-Fraternity League.

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Dickinsonian, April 27, 1951

The Dickinson Follies' play, "Fly By Night" opens. Omicron Delta Kappa, a national honorary leadership fraternity, taps twelve new members. As a result of a monetary deficit, the college snack bar will close for the remainder of the term. The Scull and Key awards Sidney D. Kline, Jr. with the annual Outstanding Freshman Award. Profile on Dickinsonian Hamlin Neely. Dickinson lacrosse ties a game with Swarthmore and defeats Western Maryland. The track team wins against Juniata. The baseball team earns a victory over Elizabethtown.


Dickinsonian, April 20, 1951

Omicron Delta Kappa gives their Activities Award to the Belles Lettres Society and the Dickinson Follies. The campus honorary groups, the Scull and Key and the Wheel and Chain, tap new members.A representative of Chesterfield offers cigarettes as a contest prize. Dr. Eric W. Barnes, head of the English Department, leads a discussion of Arthur Miller's play, "Death of a Salesman" at a Belles Lettres meeting. Profile on Dr. Arthur M. Prinz. The lacrosse team remains undefeated following their victory over Franklin & Marshall. The baseball team defeats Franklin & Marshall. Dr.


Dickinsonian, April 13, 1951

"D" Club lacrosse seeks recognition as a intercollegiate varsity sport. Details of the Spring Formal. Renowned young violinist, Joyce Renee to give a concert in Bosler. Three teams remain undefeated in the Inter-Fraternity League: Beta Theta Pi, Phi Epsilon Pi, and Phi Psi. Dickinson Baseball win their first game of the season. Dickinson Tennis defeats Juniata.

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