Dickinsonian, March 24, 1977
In this issue, Robert A. Barr resigns as Dean of Educational Services. The Dickinson College Health Center now offers "round the clock" medical care. Baseball and lacrosse teams prepare for the spring season.
In this issue, Robert A. Barr resigns as Dean of Educational Services. The Dickinson College Health Center now offers "round the clock" medical care. Baseball and lacrosse teams prepare for the spring season.
In this edition a "Report of the Task Force on Social and Residential Life" was featured. President Sam Banks mainly addressed fraternities and fraternity life, especially with ideas of equality between non-fraternity and fraternity groups, as well as the College-fraternity relationship. Two new personnel were hired: John Ross for the position of Public Relations Director and John Johnston for the position of head baseball coach/assistant football coach.
Students plan picket for Other Players' show, claiming it is "in poor taste and pointless." Freshman Karen Smith to run as delegate to Democratic National Convention. As part of National Student Symposium on the Presidency, senior Steve Joseph is to meet Pres. Gerald Ford. The HUB will hold a forum on nuclear fusion power. In a decision that has College community "upset," Social Violations Hearing Board overturns a suspension toward two Beta Theta Pi brothers who "allegedly used smoke bombs" on two independents. Senior Ron Reisman relate Egyptian travels.
Artist Lynda Frese to display drawing and etchings in HUB. Student International Meditation Society holds informational lecture. Mo Udall wins Mock Political Convention election. The Hole In The Wall restaurant is favorably reviewed in "Eating Out." Photographer J. Hwa Shik Chung captures Mock Convention and IFC Weekend. WDCV offers "A Guide to Records" in which albums are recommended.
Michael Kammen is to speak at College's celebration of the national bicentennial. Controversy between Phi Epsilon Pi and Sigma Alpha Epsilon fraternities climax with three brothers of the former spreading excrement around the door of a brother of the latter. Plans for campus rathskeller are considered. "Eating Out" reviews The Jolly Bull, which receives a 5/5 star rating. Jacob Klein will lecture in Memorial Hall.
Dr. Henry Commager will speak at Commencement. The PEER Auction is a success. A new freshman orientation program entitled "Bud-dy" will match incoming freshman with an upper clansman. The Director of admissions gives enrollment data. A synopsis of Two Gentlemen of Verona is given. The College will host the Central Pennsylvania Women's Lacrosse United States Women's Lacrosse Association National Championship.
A severe windstorm causes damage to the campus taking out six trees. Retired professor John C. Pflaum, 71, dies of a heart attack in a car accident. Despite heavy opposition, the Nisbet Scholars Program is adopted by faculty at their last meeting. It will be implemented as an experimental two year program beginning with the class of 1980. Admissions reports a drop in the freshman class. Carl Sagan, winner of the 1975 Priestley award, spoke on the need for more unmanned exploration of the solar system at the award ceremony. Robert Greenler will receive the College's Glover memorial award.
Carl Sagan will receive the Priestley Memorial Award. A Russian Mini-Festival will be held next week featuring music and poetry. The College is awarded $57,200 under the Institutional Assistance Grants Program by the Pennsylvania Higher Education Agency. An experienced track team looks to be in for a good season. Intramural soccer begins. Larry Rand is appointed as the new men's tennis coach. Sophomore Clyde Vedder became the first college swimmer since 1969 to achieve All-American standing when he sets the school records for 100-yard butterfly and 200-yard backstroke.
Newly elected Student Senate Officers officially take their posts. At the third All-College planning seminar, increased financial aid and funding for new athletic facilities are stated as top priorities. The Academic Program Committee will decide if they will present their revised Nisbet Scholars Program plans to the faculty for final approval. The Library institutes fines for lost and overdue books.
The Spring Festival "stimulates unity" and "sense of community." John D. Rockefeller, IV, is to deliver the College's commencement address. Faculty cuts physical education requirement from eight to six blocks. "[C]oncern over officer discontent and security office administration" rises on campus after the resignation of Security Officer Wilmer Hockley. War College historian Laszlo Alfoldi trains students at fencing. Writers' reviews and photos blend for a recap of Spring Festival Weekend.
Student Senate urges a reduction in physical education requirements. Feminist Florynce Kennedy is to speak at College. Watergate conversation transcripts of Pres. Nixon will soon arrive at Library. Students Heather McGregor and Carol Kelly will present a joint recital. In the Morgan Lecture series, William Goetzmann speaks on Romanticism. A review of Prof. Kenneth Rosen's newly-published The Man to Send Rain Clouds is featured.
PEER auction features numerous exotic items. Student Senate endorses National March for Impeachment rally in Washington. Clive Driver, literary executor of Marianne Moore's papers, speaks on the poetess in a lecture beginning National Library Week. Artist Ben Miller speaks in Bernard Center. Alpha Sigma of Beta Theta Pi celebrates its centennial year at Dickinson. "Caesar's Palace" group offers "royal entertainment."
To kick-off Library Week, poetess Marianne Moore will be lectured on by her literary executor Clive Driver. Student Senate approves formation of a Publicity Committee. Liquor Control Board, along with police, raid Cork & Kettle restaurant in a crackdown on underage drinking. The Beaux Arts Trio provides a "unique musical experience" in concert.
The Beaux Arts Trio will perform in ATS. Special interest housing advocates explain rationale at Senate meeting. The Spanish and Art Workshop programs are eliminated by the Student Affairs Committee. In the HUB, a slide show of "The Postwar War" in Vietnam is presented. Also in the HUB, Judge Lisa Richette is to speak on women's equal rights.
Dr. Henry Eyring receives Priestley Memorial Award as he delivers a speech both humorous and "informative." Robert Greenleaf will be the upcoming Woodrow Wilson Senior Fellow. Black poets Dudley Randall and Gwendolyn Brooks are to appear in the Congress of African Students' Black Arts Festival. Frederick Ferré accepts Visiting Professor position at Purdue for next school year. The Commission on the Status of Women at the College forms a Grievance Committee. In the Eastern Pennsylvania Collegiate Chess League, the College's team takes first.
Dr. Henry Eyring is to receive the Priestley Memorial Award. Strawbs will perform in the Dining Hall. In the Social Hall, John D. K. Brunner is to present a medieval-style puppet concert. The Library begins cataloging the Norris Collection. The Ecology Club conducts junk mail project. In ATS concert, The Preservation Hall Jazz Band pleases its audience. Scott Geare '71 develops methane generator. Librarian Dorothy Bowers authors The Irwins and the Harrisons: The Feminine Side of Early American History.
Student Senate removes Skull and Key as an honorary at the College. Loren Eiseley is to be this year's commencement speaker. This fall WDCV plans to begin FM broadcasting. Darius Milhaud's Promesse de Dieu, a choral work written for the College's Bicentennial, will premiere as a final event of the Celebration. The Environmental Policy Committee's recycling proposal has been approved by Pres. Rubendall.
Richard Ashcraft is to speak on the political implications of the liberal arts. The HUB features an art exhibit of American Primitive Paintings from the National Gallery of Arts. The College's Festival of Fun gets a photo essay.
James Smylie is to close the Civil Religion Symposium with an address on "The President as Prophet-Priest-King." The Commission on the Status of Women investigates discriminatory practices concerning women at the College. Jane Frankel will perform her voice recital in ATS. Anya Treash will also perform vocally in ATS.
Faculty approves the formation of the Student Academic Grievance Board. Students engineer a boycott on meat. Sheila Tobias presents a talk on the dual role of women. The American Association of University Professors (AAUP) features a document on "Freedom and Tenure." Geoffrey Holder gives an "outstanding performance", highlighting the third night of the Black Arts Festival. The third Bicentennial Symposium is entitled "Civil Religion in America"; the Keynote Speaker is to be Robert Bellah. Abstract Expressionism is the topic of the current Art Show in the HUB.
The Commission on the Status of Women meets to prepare for the visit of Sheilah Tobias. "Multi-talented" Geoffrey Holder will perform in ATS. Student Senate adopts the Kern Open-Housing Resolution. The Greater Carlisle Area Chamber of Commerce pays bicentennial tribute to the College during its annual meeting. William Dornemann has been invited to speak at the University of Kentucky. A HUB art exhibit showcases Abstract Expressionism. Students are to stage Kurt Vonnegut's Happy Birthday, Wanda June. Librarian Yates Forbis announces the end of the library fine system.
The Senate defeats a resolution to censure the Black Hats. Sen. Fred Harris gives Mock Convention speech. The Convention sees the ticket nomination of George McGovern-Shirley Chisholm. Freshman Vic Laws bids for a Maryland delegate position to the Democratic National Convention. The College Store Fine Arts Award goes to Holly Maxson. Featured is a Student Senate Evaluation Committee report. Students Dave Martini and Mike Morrison plan to open a Carlisle restaurant.
Mock Convention to open next weekend at College. Nancy van Vuuren speaks to the Women's Group of the College. Anita Tuvin Schlechter Auditorium is the subject of a photo essay. The Hog Ridin' Fools review R'n'L Deli in Harrisburg. In its concert, The Mahavishnu Orchestra "proves unique" with a style that "defies comprehension." 200th Anniversary Programs section features an introduction by Pres. Rubendall and Chaplain Kaylor, an overview of Dr.
The Student Senate adopts a resolution "recommending that ROTC be maintained without academic credit." The Mock Convention holds Platform hearings on "important political issues." The Chess team clinches championship in "its most successful season in recent memory." The Mahavishnu Orchestra is to appear in concert.