Dickinsonian, April 7, 1923

Captain Wallace of basketball team named on All-Eastern team. Greek Exhibit to take place in gymnasium and to include King Tut styles. Baseball season opens with game against Franklin and Marshall on Biddle Field.. Class of 1880 alumnus wills $1,000 to College. Budget system discussed by student government leaders.


Dickinsonian, March 10, 1923

Varsity Basketball Team closes season with victory over Bucknell. Plans made to organize women's baseball team. Athletic Association chooses new head football coach for 1923 season. Discrepancy in new Honor System Constitution to be investigated by both senates. Miss Ida M. Tarbell to speak in Bosler Hall. Text of proposed amendments to Constitution published.


Dickinsonian, April 25, 1925

Baseball team loses to F & M and Bucknell. Track team loses to Haverford. Relay teams to compete in Penn Relays. Tennis team to open season with match against Gettysburg. Laura Puffer Morgan, legislative secretary of the National Council for the Prevention of War, to address local branch of American Association of University Women.


Dickinsonian, November 18, 1899

Dickinson holds a week of prayer. Elias Day performs at that Carlisle opera house. Comments on Dickinson's attempts to arrange baseball games with the Carlisle Indian School and a critique of the Indian's manager. Sigma Chi holds a convention.


Dickinsonian, May 3, 1901

The inter-collegiate debate happened in Bosler Hall between Dickinson and State College, with State College as the winner. The Carlisle Indians lose to Dickinson in baseball. Relay races in Philadelphia. Performance of the New York Ladies Trio and Miss Lilian Smith in Bosler Hall.


Dickinsonian, June 5, 1926

The Baseball team takes a victory over Gettysburg rivals. Seniors celebrate Annual Class Day features and prepare for graduation. The Drama Club's production of "Kempy" opens to great success. Alumni Day features class reunion activities and a parade. The Glee Club reviews the performances of its busy season. This last issue of the academic year also contains a review of the year's sports programs.


Dickinsonian, May 8, 1926

Founders Day and May Day will be celebrated Thursday of this week. The annual Senior Picnic will be held at Medowbrook Park this year. Mr. G. R. Hemminger presents the College with a rare stuffed "Duckbill" (a platypus) through Prof. B. Floyd Rinker of the English department. The Track team prepares to meet their Gettysburg rivals. Results of a poll by the Dickinsonian show that students favor the current prohibition law. Ohio State Senator Simeon D. Fess will be this years Commencement speaker.

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Dickinsonian, May 1, 1926

The Dickinson Relay team takes second at the Middle Atlantic Class B College Championship. Nominations are made for Student Senate. Sophomores win the annual tug-of-war, pulling the freshman into LeTort Spring. A celebration of Founder's Day and May Day is planed for May 13th. The festivities will close with a contest between Belles Lettres and the Union Philosophical Society consisting of an original oration, a debate, an impromptu, and a humorous selection. Plans for freshman entertainment in the fall are accepted by the Interfraternity Council. Offices are announced for the Y.W.C.A.

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Dickinsonian, April 17, 1926

Dr. Frederick D. Losey gives a Chapel presentation on King Leer. Phi Beta Kappa fraternity celebrates its 150th anniversary. The freshman class wins the inter-class track meet. The Baseball team looses its third game in a disappointing season thus far. The Senior Ball is scheduled.


Dickinsonian, March 6, 1926

Dickenson looses against Bucknell and Penn State in the annual triangular debate. The 14th annual banquet of the Dickinson Alumni Association is held in Harrisburg. Coach McAndrews issues the first call for baseball hopefulls. The Dickinson basketball team takes a 33-25 victory over Gettysburg. The Drama Club will present "The Whole Town's Talking" on March 16th. The first annual Miami Triad Dance was held by Sigma Chi, Phi Delta Theta, and Beta Theta Pi fraternities. Motion pictures on the process of film-making were shown by the Mohler Scientific club.


Dickinsonian, April 25, 1902

Dickinson wins against the Carlisle Indians in baseball. College trip to Gettysburg by train. The Junior class of the Law School has a banquet in Mt. Holly. Lecture by Professor Peter Hodge. Kappa Sigma Convention.

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Dickinsonian, May 2, 1946

Representative John Kunkel gives address at Saturday chapel. Dickinson debates Gettysburg on the Air. Professor F. Eugene Reader resigns from Dickinson School of Law. Arthur D. Kalher resigns as director of athletics and head football coach at Dickinson. Chi Omega purchases house for national headquarters. Men's baseball beats Elizabethtown 4-2 in first game of season.


Dickinsonian, March 8, 1924

Two Dickinson students and the Dean of Men Mervin Grant Filler attend a conference at Yale University on the American student.Try outs for the baseball team begin. Fifty students have already secured summer employment in various industries. The Interfraternity Council purchases a silver cup to be awarded to the fraternity that achieves the highest scholastic average for the school year. The basketball team wins over Mt. St. Mary's College 48 to 23, closing their third successive season without losing a home game. The Dickinson in China fundraiser has raised $1400 of its $2000 goal.


Dickinsonian, April 11, 1940

Missionary and author Sherwood Eddy visits campus to lead a Q&A session on the subject of Europe's economic, political, social, and religious situations. Demolition and renovation of Bosler Hall gets underway, the eventual goal being a $125,000 overhaul of the library building. The College Orchestra publishes the six-piece program for its annual spring concert, to be held the following night. The baseball team wins its first game of the season (against Blue Ridge) 9 to 4.

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