Dickinsonian, March 19, 1931

The German Club's showing of the film "Anna Christie" brings in $120.29 to be added to the travel fund that will allow students to travel to Germany. A new Dickinson alumni club will be forming in New Jersey. Six college students, including representatives from Dickinson, are collecting 1,000,000 signatures annually to pledge total abstinence from intoxicating beverages. Three men from the Dickinson basketball team are chosen to be members of the Franklin and Marshall honor team. In their first inter-collegiate swim meet, the Dickinsonians emerge victorious.


Dickinsonian, April 14, 1927

Raymond R. Brewer, Dickinson's representative at West China's Union University, will revisit the College. Fourteen graduates of the College were in China amidst civil unrest, but were able to leave without danger. Taylor and P.E. Smith earned first place medals in the two cross country races held for the T. Marshall West Awards. Women's Glee Club holds a rally in the Metzger Hall gymnasium. Details regarding the Senior Class Ball to be held on May 14. Ten Freshmen were punished by the Student Tribunal.


Dickinsonian, December 14, 1957

Further discussion of holiday concerts. Students carol in chapel. Article on students studying abroad in Europe this summer. President Edel to choose two students to fill the vacant spots on the Cultural Affairs Committee. College faculty announces changes in the 1958-59 curriculum. The Dickinson Swimming and Wresting teams to debut their seasons. Profile on student athlete Bobby Kline. The Dickinson ROTC Riflemen defeat Pennsylvania State University in a match.


Dickinsonian, March 15, 1957

Thre Dickinson freshmen were killed and a fourth critically injured in an automobile accident in Carlisle. Author Dr. Karlis Leyasmeyer to come to Dickinson to speak about Russia. Newly developed Junior-Year-in-New-York Program offered through New York University. News regarding the building of the new Chemistry building. Upcoming annual Follies performance titled, "Shades of Hades." Don O'Neill elected captain of Dickinson Swimming Team. The Women's Basketball and Volleyball Teams win at Susquehanna's Sports Day.


Dickinsonian, March 8, 1957

The New Art Wind Quintet to perform at the next Cultural Affairs event. Dr. Bunderman of Harrisburg to speak on "Inspiring the Student" at the next meeting of the Future Teachers of America. Physicist Dr. Edward Teller to receive the Priestley Award. Dickinson Swimming ranks fourth in the Middle Atlantic Conference. Article outlining trip options for students to travel and study abroad during the summer. Political Indepedent Students' group formed.

Other Topics

Dickinsonian, March 16, 1956

Dickinson Follies to perform "Jamaican Jaunt." Norwegian exchange student Gaute Gregusson discusses his experiences at Dickinson the year before. Students complain over lack of faculty attendance at athletics-backed chapels. Swimming Team has first season where they won more than they lost in 23 years.

Other Topics

Dickinsonian, March 18, 1955

George Shuman will be serving on a committee that will evaluate Finch University in New York and determine whether it is a credible institution. He describes this as being an honor to both himself and Dickinson. Students have the opportunity to study in Spain, Iran or Italy with new fellowships available through their universities. An announcement is made that room and board for men living in dormitories will be raised to a price more similar to ones of comparable institutions. ROTC is holding an open house in the gymnasium to show what the organization does.

Other Topics

Dickinsonian, February 25, 1955

Dickinson College and Dickinson Law School have developed a combined elective program to allow students who may be interested in pursuing law, but aren’t certain, to take some classes. This way they will not have to pay for graduate school if they decide the career is not for them. New study abroad options are now available in Cuba and Austria for students through the Dean of Men. The chair of the English Department of Dickinson College, Dr. William Sloane, writes a book entitled Children’s Books in England and America in the Seventeenth Century.


Dickinsonian, February 1, 1990

Lumberyard to offer beer as a choice at upcoming event. Two separate incidences of assault on campus. Academic Programs Committee calls for termination of the Nisbet Program. College officially revises alcohol policy. Applicants to Environmental Studies Program in Zimbabwe denied visas.


Dickinsonian, March 20, 1959

Honor Code is not ratified in student election. Tuition is raised. Dickinson joins Institute for American Universities' Junior Year in France Program. Jack Yahraes (Action Party) is elected Student Senate president. Changes in rushing season and girls' hours discussed at Communications Committee meeting. Raphael Hays succeeds his father as tennis coach.


Dickinsonian, March 30, 2006

The Quarry revamps its ordering system, allowing students to fill out an order form with an order number for their sandwich. This eliminates long lines and crowds of standing people and instead lets them sit and wait for their food. 192 Dickinson students are accepted into Dickinson programs and partner programs to study abroad for the 2006-2007 school year. At least 90% of those who apply to study abroad are accepted.

Other Topics

Dickinsonian, November 10, 2005

French riots trouble the international community and Dickinsonians. Letters from Dickinsonians cheer troops in Iraq. Effectiveness of course evaluations continue to spark debate. Engaging the world through study abroad sometimes leads to love. ESL club breaks language barrier within the community. Introduction of Dickinson branded water brings mixed results. Career Center helps students make tough decisions. Fear of falling behind in class convinces mono stricken students to stay. Football loses brown bucket to Gettysburg Bullets.


Dickinsonian, October 27, 2005

Alcohol incidents decline within campus community. Some students disappointed with study abroad program offerings. Students react positively to new, longer cafeteria hours. A backstage pass with the concert committee. Posse program expands to Los Angeles. The play Platanos and Collard Greens, sponsored by the African American Society and the Latin American club focuses on interracial relationships. Students participate in Breast Cancer Benefits. Death Cab for Cutie performance better than the CD. Cross Country combats the Oregon Trail.


Dickinsonian, April 22, 2005

This issue includes articles on students studying abroad. Zoe Beta Artz '06 studying in Rome shares a reflection on the transition of popes after the death of Pope John Paul II. Several Dickinsonians in London attended a global conference examining the relationship between the UK and US while working at the Leadership in Conflict Initiative, associated with Britain's Defense Academy. Alumnus profile on Julie Jacobs '90. Men's Lacrosse defeats Franklin & Marshall to secure their fifth consecutive conference game victory.


Dickinsonian, April 8, 2005

This issue includes articles on the sold-out Ben Folds concert, and his unreleased songs that were recorded at Dickinson. Students blog from abroad. Response to the Jurassic 5 spring concert. Reflections on the death of Pope John Paul II and his effect on the world. Alumnus profile on Professor Mark Ruhl '70. Spotlight on the Hillel Club. Response to the Mermaid Players' spring production of Ondine. Men's Lacrosse defeated conference rival McDaniel.

Other Topics

Dickinsonian, April 1, 2005

This issue includes articles on the upcoming Mermaid Players Spring performance, "Ondine." Students and administration discuss the issue of national grade inflation over the past fifty years. Spotlight on the Belles Lettres Literary Society. Alumnus profile on Susan Lindner '92. Student reflections from studying abroad include experiences in Portugal and India.


Dickinsonian, February 18, 2005

This issue consists of articles on the expansion of the Dickinson Study Abroad Program. Announced that Jesse Ventura will speak at the upcoming Public Affairs Symposium. Students of legal drinking age question the existence of the "Dickinson Club," a faculty group that serves alcohol. Spotlight on the Phoenix Club. Alumnus profile on Julie Johnson '82. Biography on student athlete, Brad Litchfield '06.


Dickinsonian, February 4, 2005

Rick Surita leaves post as Dean of Student Life - reason for departure is uncertain. Gretchen Symons named the new Director of Student Activities. Students suggest a College shuttle service for the intoxicated as driving under the influence becomes a problem. Spotlight on the Portuguese Club. Interview with Lindsay Robinson '08, who is organizing a tsunami aid trip to Southeast Asia. Alumnus profile on Barbara Staunch Slusher '86. Michelle Levy '06 begins organizing a Jewish social justice club.


Dickinsonian, December 10, 2004

Ben Folds musical concert rescheduled for Spring term. Description of the Dickinson Cheerleaders. Advice on managing exam stress. Alumnus profile on Allen Bell, Class of 1968. Biographical piece on College photographer, A. Pierce Bounds. Outline on the Music and Arts Expo put on by the Arts Haus, Treehouse, and Student Music Society. Professor profile on Steven Lichtman, assistant professor of political science. Spotlight on the Ski Club. Letters to the Editor respond to oppose previous Dickinsonian articles on U.S. History course offerings and the limitations of the Study Abroad Program.


Dickinsonian, November 12, 2004

This issue includes articles on students wanting to expand the College's Study Abroad options. Reviews on the events during Multicultural Week. Announcement of the opening of the Conflict Resolution Resource Center under the direction of Shalom Staub. Description of a variety of campus renovations. Announcement that the Waidner-Spahr Library goes wireless. Spotlight on the Astronomy Club. Musical artist Ben Folds cancels concert at Dickinson due to illness; however, he hopes to reschedule.


Dickinsonian, October 8, 2004

This issue includes further discussion of Michael Moore's visit, mentioning that Moore was unable to visit the College due to an illness. Rachel McCool '07 scheduled to appear on JEOPARDY! game show. Controversy over expulsion of Sigma Chi fraternity. Discussion on President Durden's protege, Dr Michael Brown, an American Council on Education (ACE) Fellow. Confirmation of Carlisle Police Department and Dickinson Public Safety teaming up to crack down on college parties.


Dickinsonian, September 17, 2004

This issue includes controversy over Michael Moore's public lecture scheduled for October 6th. Announcement that Ben Folds is scheduled to perform on November 7th. Study Abroad Spotlight on Stephanie Schreiber '05, who studied in Malaga, Spain, her Junior year. New Political Science professor, Crispin Sartwell discusses his first impressions of teaching at Dickinson. Club Spotlight on the College Republicans. Student provides a negative response to Finding Nemo shark display.


Dickinsonian, April 2, 2004

The Geology Club visits Hawaii over Spring Break to do research on volcanoes. WDCV to change its name from "The Frequency" to it original name, "The Dickinson College Voice." Admissions projects 5000 applications for the class of 2008. Plans to install webcams in the HUB abandoned. Life in Toulouse and Malaga are examined.


Dickinsonian, December 12, 2003

Joyce Bylander reappointed as Associate Provost for Campus Academic Life. Dean JoAnne Brown to leave post. Crosswalk safety problems highlighted. Cable TV on campus is discussed. Model UN hosts high school conference. Students abroad discuss experiences in Toulouse and Malaga. Brenda Bretz responds to claims about discouraging double majoring.
