Dickinsonian, January 14, 1932

Cyril F. Hetsko elected editor-in-chief of Dickinsonian. Description of 1931 Doll Show. International Relations Club is planned in accordance with Carnegie Foundation for International Peace. YMCA plans Intercollegiate Seminar on Inter-Religious Harmony to be held at Dickinson. James H. Morgan retires from presidency.

Other Topics

Dickinsonian, November 19, 1931

Tribunal punishes freshmen for breaking freshman rules. Helmuth Joel (German exchange student) describes the plight of the working class in Germany. Arthur J. Hepburn, '96, is appointed to attend Geneva Conference. Students plan to participate in YMCA's Peace Conference at Bucknell University. YMCA and YWCA hold fireside meeting to discuss the Negro racial question. Professor Lewis Guy Rohrbaugh is elected to Pi Gamma Mu. Description of museum in Tome Scientific Building.


Dickinsonian, November 7, 1931

Freshman football team plays charity game against Gettysburg to benefit Emergency Relief Fund of Carlisle. Phi Delta Theta House opens with festivities. Intercollegiate Newspaper association meets at Dickinson. YMCA plans Armistice day service. Football team begins to use water wagon designed by Professor M. W. Eddy.


Dickinsonian, October 1, 1931

Senior Isabel Super dies of complications following appendicitis operation. Professional acts and favors to freshman are eliminated from rushing program. Microcosm awards contracts. Gerald Barnes becomes associate professor of sociology. Janet Sinclair becomes assistant librarian. List of freshman class members is notable for number of female students (permitted to make up 25% rather than 20% of class). Radio station adds voice transmission system and reaches Russia and England. Schedule for sorority rushing. YMCA and YWCA plan religious events. Garbage Scrap tradition (hazing) is ceased.


Dickinsonian, March 12, 1936

The Dickinsonian holds a short story contest open to the entire student  body. The winner will be awarded with three dollars, and the runners-up with two. Conway residents are staying up until nearly the break of dawn playing Monopoly. The Women's Glee Club sings at the YMCA's Fireside Hour. The radio station W3YC enters an international radio contest. Professors Clarence Carver and Arthur Bishop publish a book on "Suggested Certification Requirements in the Various Subjects of Secondary Education for the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania".
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Dickinsonian, April 10, 1930

YMCA and YWCA hold a debate about Prohibition.  Senior class decides not to hold a senior ball.  An all-college dance will replace fraternity dances at commencement.  Alfred O. Keedy wins German Club scholarship to Germany.  Phi Kappa Psi wins interfraternity track.  Dickins0n-in-China drive begins.  Professor Edgar M. Bowman resigns.

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Dickinsonian, March 20, 1930

Athletic Association holds annual D dinner.  Union Philosophical Society inducts new officers.  YMCA elects officers.  Dickinson Club of Baltimore holds annual dinner.  YMCA and YWCA to joint-present forum discussions.  Dickinson loses annual triangular debate.  Edward S. Kronenburg Jr. to present results of experiment with Professor Eddy to Pennsylvania Academy of Science.


Dickinsonian, November 8, 1928

Fraternities forbid use of intoxicants and begin to lead weekly YMCA meetings.  The Dickinsonian reports that Professor Leon C. Prince and alum Russel R. Kohr are elected as State Senator and Assemblyman, respectively.  Despite rain, Dickinson College hosts its largest Homecoming yet, with six hundred at the reception.  Alumni, however, ask that the Homecoming contest be held in Carlisle in years to follow, as opposed to Harrisburg.  The Dramatic Club chooses the cast for its December rendition of the melodramatic play "Children of the Moon".

Other Topics

Dickinsonian, February 23, 1968

Student Senate elections were held, with Tom Martin elected as president of the Senate. The Mermaid Players are slated to perform Richard Sheridan's "The Rivals" starting February 29 and ending March 2. Bucknell, Franklin and Marshall, Dickinson, Gettysburg, and Wilson are set to hold meetings to decide what to do with a grant from the Danforth Commission. Paul Kaylor announced that the Public Affairs Symposium for 1969 would be more of a symposium than a lecture series. The IFC held a series of lectures on life within a fraternity.
