Dickinsonian, February 1, 1974

Pres. Rubendall's retirement is announced. Business Manager John Woltjen outlines College's energy-saving measures for Spring semester. Rubendall's letter of retirement intent is featured. Following the College's controversial decision to expand Biddle Field, the Washington Redskins agree to return for summer training. Public Affairs Symposium brings Hon. Tom Clark. Cultural Affairs Series features Edward Villella performing in Carlisle High School Auditorium. Environmental Policy Commission aims at innovative recycling techniques.

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Dickinsonian, December 7, 1973

Pianist Lili Kraus to perform in concert. To "save fuel in light of the national energy crisis," Faculty alters vacation lengths. Students support boycott against non-union-produced lettuce in the dining hall. In Dana Hall, a lecture on Transcendental Meditation is given by members of the International Meditation Society. A College Debate Council event sees Dave Packer and Dan Bloom arguing for Pres. Nixon's impeachment. The Eagles perform on campus. Recommendations towards the women's athletic program are given by the Commission on the Status of Women at the College.


Dickinsonian, November 30, 1973

Student Senate sanctions co-ed housing proposal. The 4-J-4 calendar system proposal sees its second hearing by the Academic Program Committee (APC). In the Social Hall, political columnist Milton Viorst speaks on democracy.


Dickinsonian, March 9, 1973

Faculty passes a resolution concerning the recruitment of minority and foreign students. John Kemeny opens the Science for Survival Symposium with an address relating scientific advancement to societal issues. Students concerned over the issue of Prof. Marvin Israel's tenure meet with Pres. Rubendall. WDCV expects to "go FM" soon. Faculty (most requesting anonymity) respond to questions about the Israel tenure controversy.


Dickinsonian, March 2, 1973

The Executive Committee and the Board of Trustees approve "McKenney Hall" as the name of the newly-built dormitory. The College will hold the "Science for Survival" Symposium next week; John George Kemeny is the keynote speaker. Moonchildren opens at Mathers Theatre.


Dickinsonian, February 23, 1973

Last Monday a failed water line in Carlisle curtailing the College's water availability. The Computer Service Center department forms, expanding computer operations on campus. The U.S. Department of the Interior designates the College-managed Florence Jones Reineman Wildlife Sanctuary a National Landmark. Leo Kottke and Jim Dawson's concert is deemed successful. The Faculty's 1773-1973: A Musical Revue "manages to hold together." In ATS last Friday, Maureen Forrester "delights audience" in her performance.


Dickinsonian, February 9, 1973

Trustees rescind the 60-40 male-female admissions ratio and name the newly-built dormitory after trustee Gibbs McKenney and his wife. Richard Orr is elected president of the Student Senate. Matthew Miller introduces a resolution in defense of students "in cases of alleged faculty injustices." At the Business Symposium, participants investigate a greater role for minority groups in business. Additional articles discuss other speakers from the Symposium. The Mellon Foundation contributes toward the College's Century 3 Campaign.


Dickinsonian, February 1, 1973

Claudio Arrau is to perform in ATS. The first volume, first issue of the Dickinson College Register is featured. Mel Ramos' art exhibit on display in the HUB aims to spark questions dealing with the roles of art and commercialism. Pres. Rubendall appoints the Commission on the Status of Women at Dickinson College. Prof. Kenneth Rosen publishes The Man to Send Rain Clouds, a collection of short stories by American Indians. Student Senate candidates are featured. George Cabot Lodge is among those to speak at the upcoming Business Symposium.


Dickinsonian, December 1, 1972

Carlisle-born pianist Harriette Line Thompson is to give a recital in ATS. The Mermaid Players are to put on Spoon River Anthology. The Academic Standards Committee formulates an "experimental" Credit-No Credit grading proposal. A series of articles reviews the Young-Artists-in-Residence Program. Foghat is to perform this weekend.


Dickinsonian, February 18, 1972

The Committee on Institutional Priorities and Resources sets guideline on residency period. WDCV begins to rebroadcast after a two-and-a-half week suspension. In Dana Hall, three Michael Snow films to be presented by the Film Society. The Mermaid Players to perform The Rimers of Eldritch. The Drug Education Committee plans to expand programs. Dr. Bell Wiley delivers lecture on Confederate leaders during the Civil War in honor of Prof. John Pflaum. Prof. Robert Nilsson discusses possibility of a Consortium-run Junior College in Rome.

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Dickinsonian, February 11, 1972

Faculty meeting includes preparation of Bicentennial celebration. College abruptly fires Director of Security Preston McKillip. Dump area on Route 11 to be cleaned up by College. Rick Smolan writes on scuba diving experience. The Munich Chamber Orchestra plays in ATS. Hank Rivoir and Bill Kinderman also perform in ATS. Follies announce cast of Oklahoma! production. The Drug Education Committee holds first training session. President Rubendall hears grievances of Congress of African Students.


Dickinsonian, January 28, 1972

Dr. John Silber speaks on education at Public Affairs Symposium (PAS). Institutional Priorities and Resources Committee reacts to the report of the Special Committee on Athletics. Sen. Birch Bayh speaks on reform in the funding of education at PAS. The Special Trustee Committee on Fraternity Housing holds open meeting for students while planning to continue housing policy. Overviews of PAS Focus Sessions featured. Four students participate in new Indian Semester. Profiles for Student Senate Elections featured. Ionesco's The Lesson "adds dimension" to PAS weekend.

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Dickinsonian, December 3, 1971

Proposals for changes in academic procedures - including the add-drop period and the auditing policy - reported to Senate. Judith LaBarre elected as 1972's Dickinsonian Editor-in-Chief. The Freshman Plays are labeled "probably the best offered in the last few years." The Lenox Quartet to perform in ATS. Yes to perform on campus. A photo essay spotlights Prof. Eric Weller. Boxing Club revived on campus.


Dickinsonian, November 19, 1971

In the Social Hall, trustees hear opinions on housing from independent and fraternity men. At a Senate meeting, Dean Gillespie presents enforcement of controversial "pet policy" while Student Senate continues to oppose it. Dr. Phillip Gustafson wins Glover Award. Women's Group forms. Those Hog Ridin' Fools review The Deer Lodge Inn in Mt. Holly Springs. In ATS, the College-Community Orchestra, under the direction of Prof. Fred Petty, plan to perform its first concert.


Dickinsonian, March 5, 1971

Faculty adopts three resolutions of the Academic Program Committee: the establishment of separate laboratory and lecture courses for Physical Chemistry, the addition of English 210 to the fall curriculum, and the introduction of a Special Interdepartmental Field of Concentration major. World renowned anthropologist Dr. Margaret Mead will receive the 20th annual Priestley Award. Senate discusses the bomb threat made to the Union. The summer Classics Program is a great success and will continue. Carlisle's Community Action Program, CAP, may be discontinued due to lack of funds.


Dickinsonian, February 26, 1971

Low enrollment in the Bologna program may require drastic changes in order to stay viable with under twenty students. Student Senate addresses the grading proposal to be presented by the Academic Standards Committee. The Proposal states that pluses and minuses will be added to grades to create an 11 point system and that of the 34 courses needed for graduation, 24 must be graded while the rest can be pass/fail. Poet Don L.


Dickinsonian, February 19, 1971

Dr. Richard H. Wanner has been appointed Dean of the College, effective July 1, 1971. Senate looks for a replacement to serve on the Academic Program Committee as well as nominations for the Development and Communications Committee. Barry L. Gaal is appointed assistant Business Manager effective March 1. Financial Aid Director Charles Twichell held a "Financial Aid Analysis Workshop" to help students understand the system. The Mermaid Player's upcoming production of Serjeant Musgrave's Dance will question the meaning of war. Dickinson's formally all male Glee Club now thrives as coed.

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Dickinsonian, January 29, 1971

Student Senate announces nominations for president and other offices. The trustee meeting focuses on possible renovation of Morgan Hall, construction of a new residence hall, and the five-year budget projections. Ralph Nader will speak at the Public Affairs Symposium which explores public "Invasion of Privacy." Trustees are to consider a new housing proposal for fraternity housing. Students will hold a conference to commemorate Malcolm X. Margaret Mead is named as this year's recipient of the Priestley award. Procedures are made to petition to the College committee on Academic Standards.


Dickinsonian, December 11, 1970

The Faculty meeting focuses on changes in graduation requirements, approval of independent studies and credit by exam in January, and establishment of a new major in "Theater and Dramatic Literature." A resolution recommending that Malcolm and Witwer Halls become coed residence halls, effective next year, is endorsed by Senate. An all-day program called "Drug Use--The Truth and the Consequences" was presented to Carlisle residents. Freshman Plays receive good reviews. The College Mime Troupe will present its first show of the season.


Dickinsonian, November 20, 1970

Dean Hawkins will leave his post as college Dean. An open hearing held on graduation requirements examines four proposals made by the Academic Program Committee--1. "A student must complete and pass 34 courses with a cumulative average of 2.00" 2. "Students who have been admitted as degree candidates and are carrying three to five and one-half courses are full-time matriculated" 3. "The normal maximum of five and one-half courses may not be exceeded without permission of the Committee on Academic Standards" 4.


Dickinsonian, November 6, 1970

Faculty resolutions on 5-5-4-4 and reform of the grading system must be announced by the March 1971 faculty meeting. Professors state that the four track option will provide more flexibility to students. Alumni will donate to restore and renovate East College to be a humanities building. The Follies are resurrected after disbanding in 1968. Results of the Senate elections leave both Republicans and Democrats happy. Information on the Draft is published in a question and answer column. The college keeps pace with changing technology with The Learning Center.


Dickinsonian, April 25, 1969

Dean Gillespie outlines the disorderly conduct charges on Ron Lane. Controversy surrounds Prof. Daniel Crofts after his refusing draft induction. Court finds Lane guilty of disorderly conduct. Michael Bloom awarded Summerfield Scholar of the Year by Phi Kappa Psi. Eric Voegelin to guest lecture. In Cultural Affairs event, flutist Julius Baker to perform. Dr. Anthony Mach is interviewed about Summer Transition Program.

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Dickinsonian, March 7, 1969

Student Senate votes to cut academic credit for future ROTC courses. W.H. Auden to preach in College Church. Faculty makes changes including "search-seizure" policy. "Declare Day 1969", an "unprecedented" joint meeting between Senate and faculty, is reviewed. Earl Wild to perform in concert. Arthur Murphy interviews newly elected Prime Minister of Afro-American Organization Mike Floyd. Radio drama debuts at Dickinson as Brad Fischer's original play, "The Crucifixion of Eric Leute," is to play over WDCV.
