Dickinsonian, February 21, 1969

Prof. Ralph Sandler's "experiment in educational motivation" receives a four-point recommendation. Co-ed dormitories to open. Over 500 students expected to fast for fund-raising effort to Biafra. Dickinson Anthropologist H. Wade Seaford, Jr. receives National Science Foundation grant to study facial expressions. Public Affairs Symposium on "Dissent" overviewed. Additional articles discuss academic standards and issues related to Sandler's experiment. Swimming coach David Eavenson earns NCAA position.


Dickinsonian, February 7, 1969

Peter Cohen and Jack Stover face-off in Student Senate elections. Faculty approves requirements for inclusion in History major. Librarians object to location of planned Tuvin Auditorium. Drug Education Committee reports on "marihuana." Martha & The Vandellas to perform in Holland Union Building. Daniel Crofts explains draft status controversy. Robert Tyson, newly-elected President of Interfraternity Council, is interviewed.

Other Topics

Dickinsonian, December 13, 1968

Senate amends motion to abolish College fraternity system by authorizing a committee formation to consider alternatives to present system. Black students begin "Discovery Week" which seeks to uncover "racist" nature of College administration. Senate-sponsored Forum on SDS features comments from faculty, students, and members of Carlisle community. Freshman performance of six plays "approaches repertory excellence." Student survey reveals preference for rock, progressive, and folk music on WDCV. Examination of social structures endorsed by Campus Affairs Committee minority report.


Dickinsonian, December 6, 1968

Faculty members express "disappointment" in the decision to place the new Cultural Center auditorium behind the library. Campus Affairs Committee Open Hearing considers Henry Sorett's resolution to abolish fraternity system. Judy Collins to appear in concert. The Social Committee to present The Happenings and Patti La Belle & The Blue Belles at weekend concert. In order to protest social rules, Morgan Student Mobilization Committee organizes. College signs contract with J.E. Hurley construction company for the renovation of Bosler. College set to debut International Studies major.

Other Topics

Dickinsonian, March 8, 1968

Faculty adopt an anti-drug policy and revise the calendar to make a five day week. Faculty members were accused by students and library staff of abusing library lending policies. The Pan Hellenic Council will sponsor Skits and a "Fabulous Fifties" formal. Dr. Marshall Nirenberg is set to receive the Priestley Award on March 14th. A survey was conducted to gauge student opinion on marijuana and other drugs, which showed opposition to anti-marijuana laws.


Dickinsonian, March 1, 1968

The Faculty are set to vote on calendar revisions, which many students oppose. W.H. Auden is slated to receive the Dickinson College Arts Award during a March 5th celebration. Some women helped police catch an intruder into Sellers Hall. The Mermaid Players production of "The Rivals" introduced novel set design. WIC introduced the "Non-Honor Code" to institute rules for all women not involved in the Honor Code. Dickinson is set to buy an original Pablo Picasso print. Prof. George Allan will deliver a sermon at the College Chapel.


Dickinsonian, February 23, 1968

Student Senate elections were held, with Tom Martin elected as president of the Senate. The Mermaid Players are slated to perform Richard Sheridan's "The Rivals" starting February 29 and ending March 2. Bucknell, Franklin and Marshall, Dickinson, Gettysburg, and Wilson are set to hold meetings to decide what to do with a grant from the Danforth Commission. Paul Kaylor announced that the Public Affairs Symposium for 1969 would be more of a symposium than a lecture series. The IFC held a series of lectures on life within a fraternity.


Dickinsonian, February 16, 1968

The Back Alley Quintet is set to perform on Valentine Weekend in the Social Hall. Nine candidates for the various Student Senate positions unveiled their campaigns in the last week. The IFC held a series of lectures on fraternity life. Dean Gillespie announced that students over the age of 21 could now live in off-campus housing, under certain stipulations. The Rococo Company "Baroque" group is set to perform this weekend. A "moderate epidemic" of German measles arrived on campus, affecting twenty students, according to a nurses report.


Dickinsonian, February 9, 1968

Professor Larry Warner encourages student participation in a Labor's United Worker's strike at the on the Carlisle Tire and Rubber Company, and 30 to 75 students did participate in the participate in the protest outside of the factory. Dickinson received a loan from the Department of Housing and Urban Development for a new dormitory. Peter Frankl, the Hungarian pianist, is slated to play Friday night at Carlisle High School.


Dickinsonian, February 2, 1968

The Public Affairs Symposium is bringing in four television professionals for February 4-7. The Magnificent Men are set to perform a concert to commemorate the end of rush season. An announcement for nomination for student senate is included. Representatives from the college study the curriculum of Beloit College. The Cultural Affairs Committee will sponsor a concert with opera, rock, and choral music. William Bloodgood, comptroller of the college, promises greater economy with better quality of service for the school.


Dickinsonian, January 12, 1968

Dave Totaro assumed the role of Editor-in-Chief of the Dickinsonian. The Dana Foundation announced a $250,000 grant to Dickinson to support teaching. The Public Affairs Symposium explores the possibility of using television as a medium for their presentations. Two students were suspended from the school for the remainder of the semester. Al Juechter was voted the new President of the Interfraternity Council. Merle Allshouse is set to replace Richard Waner as Associate Dean of the College effective July 1.


Dickinsonian, January 5, 1968

According to members of Dickinson's administration and the Carlisle community, town gown relations are improving. Professor Brubaker's freshman will present the 12th Annual freshman plays. The Interfraternity Council makes a statement that condemns the use of narcotics in fraternities. Robert Goldsand is set to perform at Carlisle Senior High School's auditorium. Several judicial bodies at Dickinson, including the SFJC (Student-Faculty Judicial Council), the SVHB (Student Violations Hearing Board), and WIC (Women's Interdormitory Council) delivered verdicts on cases.


Dickinsonian, December 15, 1967

This is the Dickinsonian's Christmas issue. A survey of campus shows that students would prefer a larger Cultural Center. Omicron Delta Kappa leadership fraternity tapped five members during the Paul Butterfield concert. A Dickinsonian editorial from the previous week provoked a response from Dr. Milton Flower. Dean of Men Andrew Hecker looks to introduce a policy of closer communication between the student body and himself. College Choirs come together to present Christmas concert. US Rep. Edward Biester appeared at Dickinson Law School's Trickett Hall to speak on civil disobedience.


Dickinsonian, December 8, 1967

A survey of the campus regarding the Vietnam War shows that most students and faculty want some sort of change in Vietnam policy. The Paul Butterfield Blues Band is set to play in the HUB Dining Hall for the Mid-Winter Concert. The Interfraternity Council set up an internal committee to coordinate service projects. Dickinsonian beats WDCV in annual football game. Arthur Hoppe analyzes the Bobby Kennedy campaign. Odetta Gordon is set to perform at the Carlisle Senior High Auditorium. Someone in Yale Library stacks has been biting and kissing unsuspecting women's feet.


Dickinsonian, May 7, 1970

Faculty committees will reach decisions on 5-5-4-4 reform of the grading system by march 1971. PEST recommends ways to help the environment on campus. The Mermaid Players production of Enough Stupidity in Every Wise Man goes well. Squash returns to campus with non varsity status.


Dickinsonian, March 13, 1970

An All-College Assembly will be proposed at an open hearing called by the campus Governance Committee. It will require all faculty and students on college committees, as well as 18 faculty and 15 students elected at large, to meet. A change in the pass-fail grading system is proposed to give students until roll call to make a decision. The Environmental Teach-In Inc organizes Earth Day plans. Professor Bechtel and Dorsey Green propose a state wide "action conference" to encourage people to start fighting environmental issues. ACLU endorses that the voting age be moved to 18.


Dickinsonian, March 6, 1970

Several resolutions pertaining to the curriculum and a change in faculty evaluation procedures pertaining to tenure and salary increase are requested. John Denver will present a concert. The Academic Standards Committee studies proposals to modify the grading system. Faculty will present a student directed and produced production of A Thurber Carnival with proceeds benefiting Project Africa. The Mermaid Players current production of R.U.R. gets mediocre reviews with a great production but boring plot.


Dickinsonian, February 20, 1970

Dickinson's Mermen win their 100th meet for coach Dave Eavenson. Satirist Paul Krassner, editor of The Realist, will speak on American censorship. Dave Plymyer assumes the position of Senate President. Price's readings receive positive reviews.

Other Topics

Dickinsonian, February 13, 1970

Dr. George Wald is the recipient of the 19th Priestley Memorial award. The Public Affairs symposium draws to a close with a call for environmental activism. The winners of the Student Senate elections for president, vice-president, treasurer, and secretary are announced. SMC plans to distribute antiwar newsletters on the upcoming national conference. English 101 course offerings will be announced before students select classes. Vincent Price gives a poetry lecture on campus.


Dickinsonian, February 6, 1970

Faculty approves the proposed changes to the academic calendar. Student Senate candidates begin their campaigns. Profiles of all candidates are given in this issue. A proposal to revise the ROTC program will be drafted by Ad-Hoc. The Mermaid Players' revival of Lysistrata is another success.


Dickinsonian, January 30, 1970

Student senate chooses its nominees for '70. The popularity of Dickinson's study abroad program grows. The new calendar will provide for a reading-exam period. A negative review of the Student Senate Film "Symphonine Pastorale" is given and compared to Dickinson's boring lull. Interest in studying Russian increases dramatically. A special insert provides introductory information on the Public Affairs Symposium "Science and Public Policy: Environmental Pollution" topics of smog, soot, sewage, and sex, which link overpopulation with pollution.


Dickinsonian, December 17, 1969

The Public Affairs Symposium will focus on environmental pollution with the topic "Science and Public Policy: Environmental Pollution." The final Vietnam Moratorium day for this month is announced. A Senate vote on fraternity housing solutions ends in a 18-18 tie. An enticing review of Lysistrata is given. The future of Dickinson's basketball team is discussed.

Other Topics

Dickinsonian, March 10, 1967

Dr. George Beadle receives Priestley Award. Swim team retains Middle Atlantic Conference College Division title. Four fraternities remain on probation for rush weekend incidents. Keeble College Prof. Nicholas Zernov to speak in Memorial Hall. This summer, Profs. George Allan and Merle Allshouse to direct first annual Philosophy Institute. Open meeting in Union will allow students to view possible curriculum changes. Slated to speak in chapel is Indian scholar Bishop James Mathews. Robert Bailey elected Independent Student Organization president. Prof. K.


Dickinsonian, March 3, 1967

Student Senate condemns Administration's placing fraternities on social probation for "drunken behavior" Saturday night while it approves Administration's revised decision to suspend the probation until the incident is further investigated. Pennsylvania Governor Raymond Shafer to speak at forum sponsored by Young Republicans. Art Krauss and Tom Scott lead debate team to 8th place finish at Columbia University International Debate Tournament. College re-evaluates policy on releasing student academic record information, in part because of war draft. Spanish Assistant Prof.


Dickinsonian, February 24, 1967

Viral respiratory infection epidemic hits campus as a record 1000 students visit infirmary. Fraternity rush "certification" by faculty allows fraternities to pledge freshmen. Jeff Baron finishes sculpture for area between Union and new library. Mermaid Players to perform "As You Like It." Dr. Bell Irvin Wiley to deliver Spahr Lecture. Young Republicans sponsor forum. Professor Larry Warner explains the significance of a cultural affairs series to the college. Sorority rush concludes with 58 women pledging. William Diebold, Jr. to speak at College Lecture Series.
