Dickinsonian, March 3, 1923

Varsity basketball team beats Mt. St. Mary's for second time in one season. Senate unanimously passes amendments to constitution, to be presented to student body for final approval. Social Committee plans final Winter-term event. Debate Team participates in League competitions. Phi Kappa Sigma fraternity secures new housing. Prominent Dickinson graduate and senior staff member of the Tribune Samuel Cushman Caldwell dies at 87, spotlight on his life and career. Conly Concert Company to perform concert at chapel. Tentative arrangements for commencement week announced.


Dickinsonian, February 24, 1923

Women try out for places on Dickinsonian staff for the first time. Washington's Birthday celebration, "Doings of Dickinson", proves to be most successful yet. Student Senate prepares budget plan for presentation to student body. Greek Department plans elaborate display on Greek culture. Professor Vuilleumier of the Chemistry Department presents paper at 42nd Annual General Meeting of the American Electrochemical Society, held in Montreal.

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Dickinsonian, February 17, 1923

Social Committee plans Washington's Birthday program, "Doings at Dickinson", including many musical and dramatic numbers given by the students as well as faculty. Proposed budget for student organizations and constitution amendments considered by Senate. Newly acquired collection of casts of Greek relief statuary hung in Greek Department.

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Dickinsonian, May 22, 1926

The Track team takes first in it's division at the Intercollegiate Central Pennsylvania track meet and will continue on to Middle Atlantics. Student Senate elections are held, with the ballots unchanged, and results are announced. Extensive plans continue to be made for the 143rd commencement; including a fraternity dance on thursday night. Outgoing and incoming student government presidents are presented with rings.

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Dickinsonian, May 15, 1926

Belles Lettres is victorious in the Annual Founder's Day contest. Student Senate elections are postponed to address the issues that the Senate's current composition of nine fraternity men to five Commons' Club men will remain. Robert H. Duffy will be assisting Coach Johnson with the football team this coming season. Prof. Prince continues his campaign for a seat in Congress.

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Dickinsonian, May 1, 1926

The Dickinson Relay team takes second at the Middle Atlantic Class B College Championship. Nominations are made for Student Senate. Sophomores win the annual tug-of-war, pulling the freshman into LeTort Spring. A celebration of Founder's Day and May Day is planed for May 13th. The festivities will close with a contest between Belles Lettres and the Union Philosophical Society consisting of an original oration, a debate, an impromptu, and a humorous selection. Plans for freshman entertainment in the fall are accepted by the Interfraternity Council. Offices are announced for the Y.W.C.A.

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Dickinsonian, January 9, 1926

Student Senate President George Zierden will give a public apology at Gettysburg College for the "D"s painted on the gates of the college before their game against Dickinson. The Glee Club departs for a four day trip through Maryland. Christian F. Baiz, '27, is chosen as manager for the 1926 football team. The Dickinson Debate team considers forming a new triangular debate with Gettysburg and Franklin and Marshall Colleges. Student Senate will form a Student Intermediary Committee with the purpose of presenting ideas and movements with heavy student support to the faculty. William W.


Dickinsonian, September 26, 1925

This week's issue of the Dickinsonian announces the elections of F. B. Giebel as president of the freshman class and Christopher P. Crook to the sophomore class. Football practice begins early in an effort to continue the path of last season's success. A committee of the Interfraternity Council presents their ideas for freshman involvement. In previous years, rushing agreements prohibited fraternity members to communicate with first year men; leading to a feeling of isolation from the rest of the campus.

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Dickinsonian, April 4, 1946

Forty veterans enroll at Dickinson. Skull and Key Society reactivates on campus. Orientation Committee becomes new and permanent section of the Student Senate. John Gibson '47 is elected president of the Methodist Student Conference. Dickinson Students attend Mock Congress. Plans for a new women's dormitory are discussed.

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Dickinsonian, March 14, 1946

Annual Scholarship Dinner held in honor of "A" average students. Second and third floor hallways in Old West renovated. All-College Dance held. Chaplain Albert C. Oliver, Colonel U.S.A., '07 presents account of his activities as a P.O.W of the Japanese. Dr. John C. Hepler resigns from faculty to accept position elsewhere. Student senate and assembly proposed. Veterans express discontent with some college policies.

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Dickinsonian, January 14, 1943

Janet Respess is elected Mid-Winter Ball Queen. First January commencement ceremonies in Dickinson history to be held for wartime fast-track students. Stanley Wilson is elected president of Student Senate. Program of partial credit for partial semester completion adopted for those called to military service. Dramatic Club puts on "Campus Capers".


Dickinsonian, December 7, 1933

Dickinson Players to put on "Icebound" by Owen Davis. Doll Show is planned. Robert "Josh" Bartley becomes football captain for 1934 season. Muhlenberg defeats Dickinson football in last game of season; overview of season. Gettysburg defeats men's soccer in final game of season. German club takes trip to Baltimore German-speaking church. Student Senate creates budget with large cuts to student organizations and a restructuring of the Microcosm's financing. Dickinson Club of West Branch Valley (alumni club near Williamsport) is founded.


Dickinsonian, April 26, 1924

Professor Leon C. Prince loses the race for the Republican party's congressional nomination. The joint senate committee produces a tentative constitution for their new joint student senate. Dickinson hosts a field day for 600 Cumberland county public school students. Two female students will attend a national conference of the YWCA. The French Club announces that it will produce two plays in May on the life of the French people.The track team suffers its first defeat in three years, losing the Haverford 67 to 59.


Dickinsonian, April 19, 1924

The track team defeats Lehigh 71 to 55 in its opening match of the season. The Freshman baseball team defeats the Sophomores, thus revoking the "girl rule." Belles Lettres defeats UPS in the groups' intersociety informal debate and speech contest. Small improvements are made to college buildings, including painting and landscaping. Dickinson faculty compile a reading list of 50 influential and interesting books.The 1925 Microcosm yearbook is copyrighted. The Press Club reorganizes with intention to be active during the next academic year.


Dickinsonian, February 21, 1924

A survey of 14 students on possible reforms to the Student Senate shows overwhelming support for the creation of a single governing body as opposed to the current two-senate system. The basketball team defeats Washington College 24-9. The Student Senate re-forms to reinvent the way student government is run on campus. The Dean of Women (Josephine Meredith) attends a conference of the American Association of University Women on women in politics. A study shows that 13.4% of Dickinson students go on to attend graduate school.


Dickinsonian, February 16, 1924

Phi Beta Kappa elects three senior students. Professor Leon C. Prince announces his candidacy for Congress in the Republican party. Members of the Student Senate critique the practice of group representation in Senate elections and express the need for cooperation and a definite definition of Senate's field of activity. A debate will be held between two Dickinson students and two students from Gettysburg on the Bok Peace Plan. The Glee Club performs a concert in Harrisburg.

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Dickinsonian, November 22, 1923

It is announced that five students, to be elected by December 1, will represent Dickinson at the Convention of Student Volunteers in Indianapolis. The Student Senate President announces that he does not accept the resignation of the other senators and the body sketches an informal plan for reform, including the merging of the men's and women's senates into one comprehensive body. The Interfraternity Council plans an open house dance. The Dickinson Press Club receives the recognition of both smaller local papers and some larger dailies.

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Dickinsonian, November 17, 1923

The entirety of the Student Senate with the exception of the Senate President resigns and forms a committee for student government reform after new regulations were put into place by the college administration, claiming that the administration's actions inhibited their ability to function as a self-governing body. A point system is instituted for the Freshman-Sophomore scraps. Several concerts are announced for upcoming meetings of chapel. Members of the YMCA provide inmates at the Cumberland County jail with magazines, boxing gloves, and other items for entertainment.

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Dickinsonian, October 20, 1923

Joe Lightner, a former Penn State football star, is elected the new coach of Dickinson's football team after the resignation of Coach Murphy. Student Senate elects a new president. Preparations for the debate season begin with new teams being planned, as the previous year's team has retained only two members. The Greek Club inducts 43 new members.
