Dickinsonian, September 19, 1991

Students react to an "anti-Greek" letter called "Stop the Violence." A new Dining Service system was installed, which allowed upperclassmen to use an express lane to get their meals. Students perform a dramatic reading of John Updike's "Buchanan Dying." Two new Russian professors, Valentina Kratsova and Natalya Vikhilaeva, arrive at Dickinson and talk about struggles in Moscow. The football season starts off with a major win over St. Francis.


Dickinsonian, April 26, 1979

In this issue, College Chaplain John S. Reist has resigned to take up a teaching job in Kansas City. In light of Chaplain Reist's departure, a search committee has been formed to find another chaplain. The Special Olympics was held on Biddle Field this year, and fraternity Beta Theta Pi helped with the event. The Men's Lacrosse team earns its first victory after six previous loses.


Dickinsonian, October 26, 1978

In this edition, the President Banks discusses faculty unionization and how it could be stifled due to a recent ruling at another College to unionize. Phi Delta Theta has requested off-campus housing for their fraternity. Former Officer Thurston E. Cline was dismissed from his position for stealing a bicycle. The Hermitage coffeehouse in Adams Basement is undergoing restructuring to increase security and appeal. The Library and Trickett Hall are both undergoing renovations.


Dickinsonian, April 27, 1978

In this edition, thirty-five students are without rooms for the next year, despite Associate Dean for Residential Services Bruce Wall who feels that there will not be tripled doubles. A Dickinson survey shows that about 72% of the students smoke marijuana or have tried it. Students debate the pros and cons of the Nisbet Scholar program. "The Dickinsonian" reviews the academic year and looks at coed housing, overenrollment, tenure, social alternatives and Greek life. The College Athletic Department has been suffering due to part-time coaching.


Dickinsonian, February 9, 1978

In this edition nominations for Student Senate president, vice-president and treasurer are being circulated. A vegetarian meal plan is now offered to any student and the Food Committee is currently testing new products to placate the students' disapproval with cafeteria foods. Students continue to protest against labor law violations by the J. P. Stevens and Co. textiles. There is an increase in fraternity pledges of about 10% from last year. Two College marathoners, Steve Braun and Howard Figler, both participated in the New York Marathon.


Dickinsonian, September 29, 1977

In this edition, the big issue is the new Fraternity leases, which covers all fraternities on campus. Fraternities now live under the terms set by the Task Team Report on College-Fraternity Relations. The College is seeking out more Work/Study funding programs to help students with financial aid. The question of unionization as the cause for friction in the College community is asked by "The Dickinsonian." Men's soccer is undefeated so far in the season.


Dickinsonian, September 9, 1976

In this edition a "Report of the Task Force on Social and Residential Life" was featured. President Sam Banks mainly addressed fraternities and fraternity life, especially with ideas of equality between non-fraternity and fraternity groups, as well as the College-fraternity relationship. Two new personnel were hired: John Ross for the position of Public Relations Director and John Johnston for the position of head baseball coach/assistant football coach.

Other Topics

Dickinsonian, January 31, 1969

Allshouse resigns as Associate Dean. Highlights from the most recent faculty committee meeting are given. The Academic Program Committee will hold an open hearing on the College Calendar. The red devil's basketball team beats previously undefeated PMC. Developments continue in the fraternity housing dilemma. Statistics on pollution and environmental awareness are given. Lysistrata will be preformed again due to popular demand.


Dickinsonian, February 9, 1968

Professor Larry Warner encourages student participation in a Labor's United Worker's strike at the on the Carlisle Tire and Rubber Company, and 30 to 75 students did participate in the participate in the protest outside of the factory. Dickinson received a loan from the Department of Housing and Urban Development for a new dormitory. Peter Frankl, the Hungarian pianist, is slated to play Friday night at Carlisle High School.


Dickinsonian, January 5, 1968

According to members of Dickinson's administration and the Carlisle community, town gown relations are improving. Professor Brubaker's freshman will present the 12th Annual freshman plays. The Interfraternity Council makes a statement that condemns the use of narcotics in fraternities. Robert Goldsand is set to perform at Carlisle Senior High School's auditorium. Several judicial bodies at Dickinson, including the SFJC (Student-Faculty Judicial Council), the SVHB (Student Violations Hearing Board), and WIC (Women's Interdormitory Council) delivered verdicts on cases.


Dickinsonian, December 15, 1967

This is the Dickinsonian's Christmas issue. A survey of campus shows that students would prefer a larger Cultural Center. Omicron Delta Kappa leadership fraternity tapped five members during the Paul Butterfield concert. A Dickinsonian editorial from the previous week provoked a response from Dr. Milton Flower. Dean of Men Andrew Hecker looks to introduce a policy of closer communication between the student body and himself. College Choirs come together to present Christmas concert. US Rep. Edward Biester appeared at Dickinson Law School's Trickett Hall to speak on civil disobedience.


Dickinsonian, January 23, 1970

President Nixon's new "Draft Lottery" system is questioned and debated. President Rubendall makes a decision on fraternity housing. A fraternity must gather a total of 44 people to retain the privilege of assigning living spaces on the third floor of its residence hall. Not reaching that number means it will become an independent residence unit with its own lounge and social code. If a fraternity gathers fewer than 25 students, it looses the privilege of assigning living spaces in the hall and though they will be assured space, they may not necessarily have their choice of rooms.


Dickinsonian, December 17, 1969

The Public Affairs Symposium will focus on environmental pollution with the topic "Science and Public Policy: Environmental Pollution." The final Vietnam Moratorium day for this month is announced. A Senate vote on fraternity housing solutions ends in a 18-18 tie. An enticing review of Lysistrata is given. The future of Dickinson's basketball team is discussed.

Other Topics

Dickinsonian, December 12, 1969

Student Senate has been very busy in an attempt to clear its agenda before next week's discussion of housing--approving a change in registration, endorsing a proposal to revise the grading system, redefining fraternities, and setting the date of all-college elections. The Ad-Hoc subcommittee on ROTC continues to meet to negotiate its contract negotiations with the US Army and faculty. Members of the Central Pennsylvania Consortium meet to plan the summer transition program.


Dickinsonian, December 5, 1969

Prof. Andrews heads a discussion for faculty and students on what qualifies as campus disruption and what can be done about it. The debate on fraternity housing continues as more potential solutions are presented. The Social Affairs Committee offers alternatives to the dilemma. Dr. Kellogg begins sociological research on urban blacks. WDCV expands its studio facilities and will be improving transmission to dorms. Warner will be releasing the film Woodstock.

Other Topics

Dickinsonian, November 21, 1969

Deans debate how to deal with the problem of fraternity housing as housing space is limited and fraternities are not filling up their residence halls. The Social Affairs Committee proposes that fraternities be given a list of all personal to live in the house and any that do not fill their hall will be moved to a smaller residence hall. A 5 part proposal was introduced at a Policy Committee meeting to foster more open communication between students and faculty.


Dickinsonian, March 4, 1966

For the first time, foreign students and the Senate Foreign Students Committee will present an International Weekend featuring a banquet, music, and discussions. An enticing plot synopsis is given of the upcoming Follies production of Guys and Dolls. The new members of Student Senate announce their goals for the upcoming term as well as their intentions to start a Leadership Council. A faculty sub-committee reviews a proposal to eliminate students from participating in cases of academic dishonesty brought before SFJC (Student-Faculty Judicial Council).


Dickinsonian, November 12, 1965

An open forum on Vietnam will be held featuring a panel of students and faculty debating the conflict. Students ratified the proposed Social Rules and procedures for the creation of a student Enforcement Code are outlined. Technical aspects of the Mermaid Players "Wild Duck" production are discussed. A new position of school guard is established and appointed due to recent attacks on students. The first 16 students to participate in Dickinson's Bologna Center for International Study program report positively on their experiences.
