Dickinsonian, September 29, 1938

Rushing activities for women's fraternities end as freshman girls and fraternities hand in pledges to Pan-Hellenic Council.  Belles Lettres Society begins its 152nd year of existence at Dickinson with October meeting.  John Burton Nicholson, Jr., accepts position as assistant librarian.  Mathematics Professor Frank Ayres, Jr., obtains a Ph.D. degree from the University of Chicago.  Howard A.

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Dickinsonian, December 3, 1948

Klaus Kartzke spoke at recent German Club meeting, describing his escape to the American Zone and the current climate of Berlin. Political science students to tour Washington, DC, including a visit to the Soviet Embassy at the request of Ambassador Panuskin. Concerns over academic performance of fraternities expressed at National Interfraternity Convention.


Dickinsonian, March 21, 1958

The approaching end of the Pan Hellenic week will feature the annual Doll Dance. A talk open to members of the Mary Dickinson Club and women students will be given by Dorothy Kenyon, speaker for the Mary Dickinson Day Chapel, titled "Women and Outer Space." Following incidents dubbed the "Egg Battle" - during which several men raided rival fraternity houses, threw eggs at the outside of the women's dorm and shouted "uncomplimentary expressions" - eleven men have turned themselves and been penalized by the Senate-Faculty Judiciary Committee.


Dickinsonian, March 7, 1958

Five Dickinson fraternities participated in the annual Red Cross Drive of Carlisle, collecting money for the organization. The Communications Committee had it first meeting to discuss campus issues including the College's gift to the Allison Methodist Church, the Student Activities Building and accuracy of reports in the Dickinsonian. Following a vote by Student Senate, a committee will be created to be involved in plans for the proposed Student Center.


Dickinsonian, February 14, 1958

This edition of the paper discusses the upcoming end of Fraternity Rush, particularly the limited nature of women's fraternities on campus. Dr. Edgar M. Finck will be officially installed as the very first Henry Ford Professor of Education. Dr. Ralph Ketcham of the University of Chicago gave a lecture in Memorial Hall on "James Madison and Dickinson College", focusing on the correspondence between the President and his nephew Robert, a Dickinson student.


Dickinsonian, November 19, 1954

The Mermaid Players announce their next production. "Our Town" will be performed December 1, 2 and 3 in Bosler Hall. The Aquatic Club is performing later this evening their interpretation of popular children's stories. The entire production is student produced from scenery and lights to costumes and publicity. The Alumni Council agreed to take action on athletic policies as requested by students in the previous issue of the Dickinsonian with the support of the Board of Trustees.

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Dickinsonian, November 5, 1954

It is Homecoming Weekend and the 100 anniversary of the birth of John Philip Sousa. The halftime entertainment for the Homecoming Game will be a Sousa tribute highlighting some of his most famous marches with many piccolo solos and displays of national symbols. There will also be a pep rally Friday on Biddle Field for Homecoming, an alumni luncheon on Saturday afternoon and the dance later that night featuring a 12 piece band. There is a push for an alumni organization that will support the athletic program at Dickinson.


Dickinsonian, October 8, 1954

Rush ends and 126 freshmen men pledge fraternities including Alpha Chi Rho, Beta Theta Pi, Kappa Sigma, Phi Delta Theta, Phi Epsilon Pi, Phi Kappa Psi, Phi Kappa Sigma, Sigma Alpha Epsilon, Sigma Chi and Theta Chi. The Dickinson Law School begins to require all applicants for admission to take the Law School Admissions Test. The annual trip to the UN is scheduled for October 17 and 18 which will allow students to attend a General Assembly session. A new Methodist church is being built on Benjamin Rush Campus. Parents' Day will be observed on October 16.


Dickinsonian, October 21, 1949

A special committee votes unanimously to move towards the establishment of a College radio station (eventually founded as WDCV, which went live in 1962). Student Senate censures The Dickinsonian for "the misrepresentation and lack of facts" printed in the Sep. 30 and Oct. 14 issues. The new column "Brevity" is also criticized for its "slanderous tone." William C. Decker, president of the Corning Glass Company, visits campus for the College's celebration of Pennsylvania Week. The College Choir opens its season with a presentation of "Laudamus" by Prophae.


Dickinsonian, October 7, 1949

Painter and art critic Michel Gilbert visits campus, hosted by Dr. and Mrs. Roger E. Sellers. The Belles Lettres Literary Society holds its first meeting, with hopes to publish the Hornbook (the College literary review) semi-annually after several years of annual publishing. Parents Day, scheduled for Oct. 15, will include a faculty luncheon, fraternity buffets, and the Ursinus vs. Dickinson football game. A freshman football team is organized for the first time since the conclusion of World War II. A total of 122 men pledge the College's ten fraternities.

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Dickinsonian, October 17, 1947

Fraternities pledge 125 new members among the men's fraternities and 60 among the women's for a total of 185 in their most active rushing season since before World War II. George W. Rickey presents a lecture on art and a demonstration of portrait painting. A guest editorial by Senator Harry Bird appears on taxation and government spending, as well as a rebuttal by the Dickinsonian staff. Five part-time instructors are added to the English, German, mathematics, and Romance languages departments.


Dickinsonian, April 20, 2006

The Underground experiences a cut in hours due to a shortage in workers and lack of business late at night, upsetting many students. The building at 25/27 West High Street is acquired by the college to be transformed into senior apartments. Three fraternity houses are demolished to make way for new campus building projects such as adding on to Tome. Dickinson College wins the RecycleMania competition in the state of Pennsylvania and placed 24th nationally. The former DPS garage is transformed into an archaeology lab.


Dickinsonian, April 1, 1993

Articles for April Fools Day:  Articles from historical Dickinsonians. Denny Hall destroyed in fire. Senate passes strict rules for freshmen. Red Devils football defeats Penn State. Old West Mermaid replaced by replica. Dickinson during the Civil War. Barry Goldwater speaks on the Greek system, political doctrine.


Dickinsonian, May 2, 1988

Anonymous editors of the "Sheer Height Report," which is a play off of a real report called "Shere Hite," give an inaccurate study of Dickinson, poking fun at various topics such as senate budget, GLAD, the Greek system and housing. George Carlin, a well-know comedian, performed at the Kline with mixed reviews. A student comments upon Women's Studies and how unfocused they feel the major is through its lack of a distinctive methodology.


Dickinsonian, April 7, 1988

Controversy surrounds the Finance Committee's budget for the fraternities and sororities for the 1988-89 school year, and several anonymous threatening letters were sent to members of the Finance Committee. Beta Theta Pi reversed their decision to withdraw from the Inter-Fraternity Council due to conflicts between the fraternity and the council, among other reasons. Freshman Dennis Albertson established a "national service fraternity" called Alpha Phi Omega and will be co-ed and open to both Greeks and Independents.


Dickinsonian, March 31, 1988

Rumors arise at the College that Greek life is being removed due to other nearby colleges' removal of fraternities and sororities. GLAD (Gays and Lesbians at Dickinson) was recently formed at the College to provide support groups for "gays and lesbians and [to] educat[e] the college and community about homosexuality." The Fishing Club at Dickinson also was newly formed this year and go fishing in various places throughout Cumberland County. A student delves into what makes the Arts House so special and finds that students that live there enjoy the sense of community and belonging.


Dickinsonian, February 4, 1988

Sigma Alpha Epsilon fraternity has been revoked of its party privileges for the month of February due to sexual harassment allegations by female students and other violations on alcohol. Rumors have arose about Sigma Alpha Epsilon possibly losing the rights to Biddle House, where they currently live. The Director of Admissions, J. Larry Mench, is working to set the target number of students admitted next year between 530 and 550 in order to divert potential housing crises. Sharon Schultheiss is this year's winner of the Emil R.


Dickinsonian, October 1, 1987

Condoms to be distributed at the health center. College Police called to the Quad, shut down parties for underage drinking, uncooperative behavior. Faculty concerned about Greek life and sciences. Panel of experts discuss affirmative action. Disputes about smoke detectors in the townhouses between students and maintenance. Dickinson Choir to sing with the Harrisburg Symphony. David Commins hired to teach mid-east studies and Arabic. Students study at Dickinson from Japan. Jonathan Spence to speak at the Morgan Lecture Series.


Dickinsonian, September 24, 1987

Two more Dining Services administrators resign under controversial circumstances. Fraternities implementing dry rush policy. Handicap accessibility of the college is inventoried. Students annoyed with long lines at the dining hall. Study facilities are called for after midnight. Freshman reflects on first fraternity quad party. Condom machines appear on campuses across the country. Artist in residence Native American sculptor Alvin Marshall makes gift for the college. Women's basketball hires new coach.

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Dickinsonian, April 16, 1987

After less than a year of searching, Dickinson hired Dr. A. Lee Fritschler as the new president of Dickinson College. Fraternities speak out against what they felt were unfair replacements of furniture in dorms compared to fraternity houses. Drug use on campus is discussed and a student survey shows that marijuana, cocaine and mushrooms are being used the most by students. The Mermaid Players have a successful musical, "Three Penny Opera," after two years of not staging one.


Dickinsonian, November 21, 1985

The Inter-Fraternity Council and Campus security settled a dispute about noise levels on campus on weekends and weekdays. Fraternity insurance has risen 200%, causing many students to find an alternative means of affording the insurance. Women's Cross Country team's season has ended at regionals. Ten student lobbyists traveled to Washington D.C. to lobby senators about the proper disposal of radioactive wastes.


Dickinsonian, October 10, 1985

At a recent College faculty meeting, it was unanimously resolved to establish a system to evaluate the faculty tenure system after six years and goes into effect this year. According to a survey, the majority of students on campus do not feel safe and called for a larger police staff at night. The Interfraternity Council is reviewing and improving the way fraternities are portrayed on campus, and discuss the possibility of a "dry rush." Women's Field Hockey is improving, despite their previous record.


Dickinsonian, April 29, 1982

The Mermaid Players are successful in their rendition of 'A Country Scandal.' Kappa Sigma fraternity will now be housed in the Media House instead of the upper quads. Other fraternities that were relocated from the upper quads have been pleased with their displacement. Elaine Livas, a junior at Dickinson, received academic honors for a paper she wrote in the Fall of 1981. An Alumni Contact File was established by the Counseling Center to allow students to connect with alumni to pursue career opportunities.


Dickinsonian, October 22, 1981

Three fraternities, Beta Theta Pi, Sigma Alpha Epsilon and Phi Epsilon Pi volunteered to be relocated due to overenrollment at the College and state that it has not had a negative effect on fraternity life. The Student Senate Priorities Committee unanimously recommended that a student organization office be created inside the HUB and after the Senate's approval, administrative approval is then needed. The idea of an honor code is being analyzed by the Academic Affairs Committee. Women's volleyball earned themselves a spot in the Middle Atlantic Conference tournament.


Dickinsonian, September 26, 1991

Forum addresses the "Stop the Violence" controversy surrounding fraternities. Greek students adjust to first year of sophomore rush period. Cafeteria renovations planned to occur over winter break. Parents weekend to feature a book discussion. Review of Public Enemy's "Return of the Hard", HBO's movie "The Highlander", and the band Ned's Atomic Dustbin. Record store opens in Carlisle. Editorial calls for college to place greater focus on social issues. The Gulf war causes culture shock for both Americans and Saudis. Students Participate in a summer Russian Immersion program.
