Dickinsonian, October 1, 1992

Sukanya Krishnan wins senior president, Officers plan for senior year. Dr. Kesho Scott talks to Common Hour about Racism. Admissions looks to national rankings for sign of improvement. College strives to meet the needs of disabled students. Some class officers positions filled, few vacancies remain. Applicant pool more geographically diverse. Abortion and college campuses: the debate heats up as candidates voice their opinion. Political activism at college. Trout Gallery exhibits artists of the American west. College welcomes world class jugglers.

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Dickinsonian, February 10, 1994

Enrollment for the 1994-1995 year is reduced so more funds can be put towards financial aid. Build-up continues for the upcoming PAS on media. A new climbing class proves very popular. In Honor of Black History Month, the Trout gallery opens an exhibit on African art entitled "African Objects of Prestige and Personal Adornment from the Permanent Collection." The Woman's Basketball team squeaks into the Centennial playoffs.


Dickinsonian, September 9, 1993

An article announces college students as the newest high risk group for AIDS. The new Dean of Educational Services, Dean Emerick, looks forward to getting to know students and adapting to the campus. The YWCA and the Social Justice Coalition of Carlisle will sponsor the second annual Rainbow Festival celebrating cultural and racial differences in the community. Three Emergency phones are installed by the Safety and Security office. When a button is pushed they will offer a direct line to the Safety office. Economics professors speak out on President Clinton's new proposed Budget.


Dickinsonian, April 14, 1983

Borges' scholars from across the country gather to participate witness and participate in Jorge Luis Borges' three-day Symposium at Dickinson. Joan Hoff Wilson delivered a speech on Tuesday evening regarding Watergate and its aftermath. EFFORT, or "Equality for Females: Our Rights Today," hosted the Second Annual Women's Party in an attempt to establish unity among women on campus. Dr. Kenneth Short discussed British propaganda films as a way of eliciting an Anglo-American alliance during World War II.


Dickinsonian, February 3, 1983

President Sam Banks proposes 'repositioning' and increasing tuition at "State of the College" address. Ben Bova to speak at PAS. Education included in Reagan's State of Union Address, Fire at Phi Epsilon Pi Fraternity House, Exhibit of Ms. Toshiko Takaezu opens in new Trout Gallery in the Emil. R.


Dickinsonian, April 24, 1985

College's phone system profiled, notes system changes on the way. Greek Week draws crowds in support of Greek life and the United Way once again. Professor Fred Petty's station wagon covers mileage equal to that of distance between Earth and Moon. Celebration planned. WDCV seeks to keep pace with new age of radio, increasing its wattage and station music selection. Computers once again targets of vandalism. Dickinsonian editorial board criticizes computer vandalism, reviews new phone system plan. Arts House production of "Shadow Box" on its way to campus audiences.

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Dickinsonian, October 31, 1984

The Dickinsonian wades into the local and national political debate with profiles, analysis, and endorsements. Campaign for the Pennsylvania House of Representatives reviewed, candidates John Broujos and Earl Keller interviewed. The Dickinsonian endorses Walter Mondale for U.S. presidency. College Democrats and College Republicans debate presidential election in print. Democratic Party profiled, lauded. Metzger Series marks 100th anniversary of coeducation at Dickinson with speaker series.


Dickinsonian, February 18, 1988

Students push for an Environmental Science major, but due to curriculum issues, it will not be offered at this time. The FBI have been searching United States libraries for potential Soviet agents. Members of the College community show disapproval over the sorority rush process, which some feel is too short and do not like how it is conducted. Stephanie D'Alessandro has created an entire exhibit in the Trout Gallery called, "An American View: From the Country to the City" about her experience of a semester in Bologna.


Dickinsonian, January 28, 1988

President Ronald Reagan delivers his final state of the union address. College plans another new alcohol policy. Carlisle proposes zoning changes. Nancy Lindgren resigns as HUB administrator. Bookstore manager describes improvements. Leaky roof at Kisner-Woodward soaks residents. Trout Gallery features an Andrew Wyeth original. Two students spend the semester in Israel. Ballroom dance lessons on the quad well received. Review of "Good Morning, Vietnam".

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Dickinsonian, November 5, 1987

Student financial groups YES and DIA, stress prudence after decline. Library and HUB considers for possible late night study areas. Another intrusion causes concerns over security. Recent alumni Molly Dean assists with phonathon. A profile of the Peace Action Network. Hillel provides valuable support for Jewish students. Trout Gallery brings in exhibition from NY Met. Dickinson Follies return after absence of 4 years. Fulbright Scholar Toshio Hiraoka visits Dickinson from Japan. Football team commands third straight win. Women's Soccer finishes the season.

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Dickinsonian, April 19, 1984

Student Senate held an open forum concerning the recommendations made by the Student Affairs and Services Committee in regards to the 1984-84 alcohol policy. Predictions vary for the outcome of Dickinson's annual Mock Presidential Convention. Phi Beta Kappa visiting scholar Ellen Weaver gives lectures on the role of women in science. The Carlisle Zoning Board approves the construction of college townhouses on Louther street. Famous black poet Sonia Sanchez holds a reading and discussion of her works. Stevie Ray Vaughan and his band Double Trouble will preform at Spring Fest.


Dickinsonian, February 2, 1984

The Board of Trustees increases tuition by 8% for a total of $11,040 for tuition, room, and board. National public relations firm Hill & Knowlton has been hired by President Banks to help position the college as a more prestigious and top liberal arts college. Presidents of the college's ten fraternities, members of the Interfraternity Council, and members of Dickinson's administration met for an all-day retreat on January 23rd to help improve relations between fraternities and administration.

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Dickinsonian, December 8, 1983

The all-College Priorities and Long Range Planning Committee (PLRP) announce that tuition will rise less then 8% for the 1984-85 academic year. Dickinson will enter the 1984 College Bowl. Students are given a tour of Denny Hall over the weekend to see progress on its current restorations. U.S. News and World Report issues their top colleges ratings and Dickinson is not listed. The Arts Building, which was located next to the library, is torn down. DTG's show entitled "Cold Feat" is a success.


Dickinsonian, October 20, 1983

The Second Annual Metzger Series opens with a focus on acquainting Dickinson women with possible career opportunities. Homecoming Weekend attracts 1000 alumni. Student Senate will begin broadcasting pilots on the Carlisle Cable Company's channel 13. The Health Center's "Wellness Week" will focus on personal fitness. The President's Cup award goes to Beta Theta Pi fraternity during halftime of the homecoming football game. The Trout Gallery opens a permanent collection on homecoming weekend that has never been displayed in its entirety. Songfest features student acts.
