Dickinsonian, February 14, 2000

College celebrates Yongyi Song's return. Violence on campus sparks concern. President Durden unveils new strategic plan (full text printed). PAS kicks off human rights 2000 campaign. The new science building remains unfinished due to inconsistent laborers. The 1885 cartouche moved to a location outside Bosler Hall. Student-curated vessels exhibit opens in Trout Gallery. Pat McGee band rocks ATS.


Dickinsonian, November 19, 1999

Partnership with Silas Craft Collegians aims at making campus more diverse. $4 million fund established to benefit students. HIV testing now available on campus. College to offer abroad program in Australia. Fraternities come together at Greek Gala. Filmmaker addresses racism in France. Cogan Fellowship brings alumni to campus. Take Back the Night calls for solidarity. Women's Center rallies to take back the night. On the road with Brest Cassell in Italy. CAB flick American Pie serves up some good eatin'. Ryan Early crowned Mr. Dickinson in Greek competition. DTG fall concert takes off.

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Dickinsonian, May 6, 1993

Four professors earn tenure while several others did not . Seniors get ready to break the rules during senior week. Former Attorney General Edwin Meese details polarization between the executive branch and congress. Dean Carmen Neuberger bids college farewell. United way/College needs assessment of Carlisle, Part 2. UVA bans student-teacher sexual relationships. DTG Spring concert draws E-motion from the critics.

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Dickinsonian, April 29, 1993

Careless attitudes about alcohol and sex make men and women victims. College responds to rape with support and education. Needs assessment project examines Carlisle community problems. Students respond to professors survey. Concert Committee drags Violent Femmes from the '80s. Congressman Bill Goodling battles federal work-study service program. Career center scrambles to alleviate problems caused by mail fraud. DTG's E-Motion hits the mark. Lab Theater Shows spring into action. 1993 Weiss Prize winners shine in "Rasselas, Prince of Abyssinia".


Dickinsonian, April 22, 1993

Greek Week hopes for happy, happy. Elvis has just left the Concert Committee. Emerick replaces Neuberger as Educational Services Dean. Lessons of Los Angeles; one year later colleges mobilize for activism. Lip-Sync expected to draw its usual crowd during Greek Week. Springfest takes us back to the quad. The silent victims of sexual harassment. Harassment effects Dickinson, too. Weiss Prize winners are a panorama of talent. Miami project benefits from Greek Consortium. Dance Theatre represents "Metamorphosis in Art".


Dickinsonian, April 8, 1993

Secrets of how to live off-campus revealed. Lack of candidates and voters tarnishes Senate races, three positions unfilled. New Student Senate president to fight apathy, inspire activity. Weather dampens events but not spirit of the first annual Peace Festival. Holocaust remembered by College. John Dickinson, founder or flounder. Propel yourself with "Velocity Girl". The cold "rained" supreme in Fl.


Dickinsonian, March 11, 1993

Occupancy requirements force fraternities out. Fraternities petition for recognition. Faculty negs senate vote. Senior class committee searches for funding. Freshmen drink but prefer not to. ROTC training includes air exercise. Traveling abroad? watch out. A look back at historical college news. Broadway hits Dickinson to help local needy. Fields of Vision opens a contemporary door to an ancient land. Eaken Piano Trio gives stellar performance to Carnegie audience.


Dickinsonian, April 26, 1986

Greek Week, sponsored by the College's Interfraternity and Panhellenic Councils, will raise money for the Muscular Dystrophy Association. Women's Track and Field will compete in the Middle Atlantic Conference. The Men's Soccer team has been fundraising for a four-week trip to Australia.

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Dickinsonian, February 14, 1986

"The Visit" play, performed by the Mermaid Players, earns mixed reviews. President Banks calls together a group, made up of the President's staff, Chairmen of the Board of Trustees and Development Finance, Student Affairs Committee, the Educational Policy Committee of the Board and various other faculty and staff members to prepare a second 10-year plan for the College. The national President of the National Organization for Women (N.O.W.), Eleanor Smeal, is coming to speak at Dickinson.

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Dickinsonian, February 16, 1978

This issue features an article on an increase of cocaine use in the United States. "The Dickinsonian" had released a survey on cocaine in the previous edition and received minimal results back, stating that out of the responses all except two had at least tried cocaine once. Female enrollment at colleges nationwide increases, and can be seen at Dickinson with 308 freshmen women enrolled compared to 240 men. Sorority rushees have also increased, causing discussion for the creation of a fourth sorority. Student Senate candidates are featured in an article.

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Dickinsonian, May 9, 1975

Dr. Henry Commager will speak at Commencement. The PEER Auction is a success. A new freshman orientation program entitled "Bud-dy" will match incoming freshman with an upper clansman. The Director of admissions gives enrollment data. A synopsis of Two Gentlemen of Verona is given. The College will host the Central Pennsylvania Women's Lacrosse United States Women's Lacrosse Association National Championship.

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Dickinsonian, May 2, 1975

The Student Senate approved $81,500 in allocations for next year. The Mermaid Players' last production of the year will be the Shakespearean musical Two Gentlemen of Verona. Wheel and Chain and ODK hold spring induction ceremonies.


Dickinsonian, April 25, 1975

Parents' Weekend activities will honor President Rubendall. The Union Philosophical Society resumes activities. The Senate voted unanimously that the faculty restore honorary status to Skull and Key. IPR (Institutional Resources and Priorities) presidential candidates are announced. A biography of President Rubendall and his career at Dickinson is given.


Dickinsonian, April 18, 1975

The College-Community Orchestra and College Choir will preform together along with featured guest cellist Michael Haran for Parents' Weekend. WDCV continues to make plans for improvement, including expanding airtime and adding a greater variety of programs. A gallery of the Black Arts Festival "The Black Light of Truth" is given. The Men's Tennis team looses the first time this season.


Dickinsonian, April 11, 1975

A severe windstorm causes damage to the campus taking out six trees. Retired professor John C. Pflaum, 71, dies of a heart attack in a car accident. Despite heavy opposition, the Nisbet Scholars Program is adopted by faculty at their last meeting. It will be implemented as an experimental two year program beginning with the class of 1980. Admissions reports a drop in the freshman class. Carl Sagan, winner of the 1975 Priestley award, spoke on the need for more unmanned exploration of the solar system at the award ceremony. Robert Greenler will receive the College's Glover memorial award.


Dickinsonian, March 28, 1975

Carl Sagan will receive the Priestley Memorial Award. A Russian Mini-Festival will be held next week featuring music and poetry. The College is awarded $57,200 under the Institutional Assistance Grants Program by the Pennsylvania Higher Education Agency. An experienced track team looks to be in for a good season. Intramural soccer begins. Larry Rand is appointed as the new men's tennis coach. Sophomore Clyde Vedder became the first college swimmer since 1969 to achieve All-American standing when he sets the school records for 100-yard butterfly and 200-yard backstroke.

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Dickinsonian, May 7, 1971

New representatives were elected to Faculty, all-college Committees, and to the College Judicial Boards in the last faculty meeting. The last Student Senate meeting revolves around election of new members to college committees and discussion of Tenure. Formal dedication of the new ATS auditorium will be held Saturday, may 22. The 1971 Summer Transitional Program will be directed by Dr. Richard H. Jefferson and Mr. Tom Stokes. The Anniversary Committee holds its first meeting to play bi-centennial celebrations.

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Dickinsonian, April 16, 1971

Harold Howe, a vice-president of the Ford Foundation and former U.S. commissioner of Education, will be the speaker at Commencement. Senior William Durden is awarded a Fulbright Scholarship. May Day plans are elaborated on. The India Semester program will continue over the summer. Wheel and Chain and ODK tap members. PEER will conduct its annual fund-raising auction. Information on completing an interdepartmental major is given. The Cumberland Conservancy Committee on Recycling prepares for their first collection of solid waste materials.


Dickinsonian, September 11, 1970

414 incoming freshman are welcomed. The resulting budget changes after the Allenberry conference are published. According to a study conducted by Tufts University, coed housing is safe and more natural than gender separated housing. Dickinson welcomes multiple new faculty members in a variety of subjects. BB King will preform homecoming weekend. Students and faculty represent Dickinson at the Governor's Conference on Environment. The National Science Foundation will fund Student-Run Environmental Research. Guesses for this seasons soccer, track, and football teams are presented.


Dickinsonian, May 8, 1970

Faculty votes to keep ROTC on campus but remove all academic credit from the program. Plans continue to progress for the protest march past the War College. Safety tips, including what to do in case of tear gas, are given for the March. A faculty meeting adopts five resolutions concerning academic alternatives. New Dan Nodder expresses his views on a liberal arts education. Local police accuse the college of not following narcotics laws and hindering police efforts. Dickinson's freshman basketball team looks promising.


Dickinsonian, May 1, 1970

The Policy Committee will present two resolutions to faculty at their next meeting: 1. The ROTC will be abolished on campus. 2. No academic credit will be granted for courses in the ROTC program. Student Senate invalidated the election results for the Institutional Priorities and Resources Committee due to unclear ballots. Elections are held by Student Senate for multiple committees. Two professors and six students attend the Soviet-American Peace Convocation. The Pa Consortium will sponsor the Summer Transition Program again.

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Dickinsonian, April 24, 1970

Norval Reece campaigns on campus for a Democratic Senate seat. A student referendum on ROTC will be presented by Student Senate. The ROTC debate continues with the main issues being the moral question of weather ROTC should be on Dickinson campus, the academic question of if military science courses should count for credit, and faculty selection for the program. Wheel and Chain inducts eight new members. President Rubendall pushes back coed housing plans until '71. the Seventh Annual Sigma Chi Derby Day Chase and contest begin. The Byrds gave a fantastic concert to kick off Spring Weekend.

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Dickinsonian, April 17, 1970

Dr. Stanley Nodder is appointed Associate Dean to succeed Dr. Merle Allshouse. The highlights of Parents Weekend are revealed. Black poet Don Lee will give a discussion on what it means to be black at Dickinson. Senate passes its budget without any changes. Senatorial Candidate Norval Reece will have a campaign rally on the campus. Kaiser publishes an environmental pamphlet on "The Man-Made Planet." The Mermaid players will preform the classic comedy "The Man Who Came to Dinner" for their final production of the season. Also included is a special supplement compiling a report on ROTC.


Dickinsonian, April 10, 1970

Student Senate discards the group housing proposal. A revised College Committee structure is approved. An open hearing is granted to ROTC. The personnel committee adopts new procedures for faculty evaluation. A Byrds performance is announced as part of the Spring Weekend entertainment. The New Mobilization Committee will sponsor local demonstrations to dramatize who pays for the war in Vietnam. An article reprinted from Environmental Action talks about the environment dangers caused by detergent's eutrophication of streams. Sen. Gaylord Nelson organizes a massive Environmental Teach-In.


Dickinsonian, April 3, 1970

The college takes measures to fight local pollution; specifically against dumping at Letort marsh. Five Dickinson law students demand a hearing after the Dickinson College tries to force them to pay for the ROTC program. Composer John Cage receives the 1970 College Arts Award. A schedule and description of the Festival of Indian Arts is also provided. Student Senate considers preferential group housing.
