Dickinsonian Newspaper


Dickinsonian Front Page

James Shepley, chairman of Ford Foundation Challenge Program, announces $500,000 donation to college from Louis Tuvin (Class of '10). Ford Challenge Campaign succeeds in gaining pledges. Faculty acts on pass-fail, planning to enact system in the fall. Prof. William Cage comments on the college's...

Dickinsonian Front Page

The Impressions and Drifters highlight IFC Weekend. Sigma Alpha Epsilon's honor system experiment discussed. Ford Foundation Challenge Program chairman James Shepley announces $200,000 gift from the Sumner Drayer (Class of '02) estate. Prof. George Allan scrutinizes Jan Plan. Newly-opened...

Dickinsonian Front Page

Four seniors - Tom Bauder, Chuck Slavin, Jack Petersen and Jeff Weber - plan to serve in Peace Corps upon graduation. President Rubendall endorses "book walk" for new library. Union Social Committee discloses financial problems. Faith-In-Society sponsors Dickinson's Big Brother-Big Sister...

Dickinsonian Front Page

Three separate incidents involving violence directed against Dickinson students and personnel by local Carlisle youths occurred over the past week, resulting in new security precautions taken by Dickinson campus police, including a second patrolman for the night guard and two way radios for...

Dickinsonian Front Page

The Agency for International Development held an interview with President Rubendall and Editor-in-Chief of the Dickinsonian David Totaro, during which Totaro was allowed to see the inside of the "White Building" next to South Campus. AID confirmed that the building was being used as a safe house...

Dickinsonian Front Page

A rumored change in Dickinson's food service provoked a student outcry. Dean Gillespie has announced Thomas W. Carver as the new Dean of Men. John Bakeless is set to lecture on Thomas Conrad at the Spahr Library on April 5 at 8 P.M. 20 students were selected to be part of the Center for...

Dickinsonian Front Page

Senate President Tom Marin called for an all-college referendum to vote on the $5 raise of the Comprehensive Fee that all students pay to the Student Senate. The 1968 Mock Open Convention opens at 6 P.M. on this day, featuring Congressman Richard Schweiker as the Keynote Speaker. Sam and Dave...

Dickinsonian Front Page

The fourth annual Derby Day Steal sponsored by Sigma Chi kicked off Parents' weekend. Both East College and Bosler Hall had to put off renovation due to fund shortages. Tom Martin, president of the Student Senate, outlined the challenges that are to be faced by the student representative on a...

Dickinsonian Front Page

Sigma Chi relinquished their President's Cup that they had received earlier in the fall in protest of new administration policies, including policies regarding the placement of students on faculty committees and, most significantly, a raise in student fees. Members of the African American...

Dickinsonian Front Page

Henry Sorrett introduced a motion at the weekly Student Senate meeting to abolish the fraternity system at Dickinson. Former Dickinson Dean of Men N. Ronald Pease was named Dean of Students at the University of Pittsburgh. The College Social Chairman surveyed the student body in order to see how...

Dickinsonian Front Page

New York Times Columnist James B. Reston spoke at commencement. Charges of slander were leveled against Clarke W. Garrett, who reportedly made comments about Larry J. Warner in one of his classes. Gen. Harold K. Johnson is set to address ROTC graduates. David F. Brubaker received the Lindback...

Dickinsonian Front Page

Challenges for Jack Stover, newly-elected President of Student Senate, are presented. Prof. Ralph Sandler issues statement of opposition towards college grading system as each student in his English class is awarded an "A". Women's Interdormitory Council seeks abolition of curfew, proposing a...

Dickinsonian Front Page

Prof. Ralph Sandler's "experiment in educational motivation" receives a four-point recommendation. Co-ed dormitories to open. Over 500 students expected to fast for fund-raising effort to Biafra. Dickinson Anthropologist H. Wade Seaford, Jr. receives National Science Foundation grant to study...

Dickinsonian Front Page

All-college moratorium set for March 5. Report making governance proposals submitted to Policy Committee. Phi Psi withdraws from Interfraternity Council. Mrs. Daniel Crofts to deal with conscientious objectors through draft counseling. Utilization of black recruiters proves successful....

Dickinsonian Front Page

Student Senate passes measures including a proposal on independent housing. AAUP (American Association of University Professors) chapter declares that Prof. Ralph Sandler "has no claim" for his recent grading experiment. Bernard Greenhouse to perform in Old West.

Dickinsonian Front Page

Linus Pauling accepts Priestley Award and gives speech. Students and community attend Passover Seder in social hall. To protest Vietnam War, some students boycott campus Coke machines. Dr. Flint Kellogg to present paper on Civil Rights Movement at next year's International Sinological Conference...

Dickinsonian Front Page

President Rubendall announces that although pledges for the Ford Foundation Challenge Grant exceed the goal of 6 million dollars, the money has yet to materialize. Elkin Tolliver, Mike Floyd and Ron Lane are arrested as both students and townspeople picket in front of municipal building in...

Dickinsonian Front Page

In regards to last week's controversial arrest of three black students, President Rubendall seeks cooperation between college and community as students call for a week-long boycott of Carlisle merchants; what some call a kangaroo court finds two of the students - Mike Floyd and Elkin Tolliver -...

Dickinsonian Front Page

Dean Gillespie outlines the disorderly conduct charges on Ron Lane. Controversy surrounds Prof. Daniel Crofts after his refusing draft induction. Court finds Lane guilty of disorderly conduct. Michael Bloom awarded Summerfield Scholar of the Year by Phi Kappa Psi. Eric Voegelin to guest lecture...

Dickinsonian Front Page

In this "experimental" magazine-type issue, an opening essay urges the college to build a "firmer relationship" with the community. It is reported that Tony Marcson's call to boycott Carlisle business has been unsuccessful. Parents' Day reveals "communication gap" between parents and students "...

Dickinsonian Front Page

The college takes measures to fight local pollution; specifically against dumping at Letort marsh. Five Dickinson law students demand a hearing after the Dickinson College tries to force them to pay for the ROTC program. Composer John Cage receives the 1970 College Arts Award. A schedule and...

Dickinsonian Front Page

Student Senate discards the group housing proposal. A revised College Committee structure is approved. An open hearing is granted to ROTC. The personnel committee adopts new procedures for faculty evaluation. A Byrds performance is announced as part of the Spring Weekend entertainment. The New...

Dickinsonian Front Page

Norval Reece campaigns on campus for a Democratic Senate seat. A student referendum on ROTC will be presented by Student Senate. The ROTC debate continues with the main issues being the moral question of weather ROTC should be on Dickinson campus, the academic question of if military science...

Dickinsonian Front Page

The Policy Committee will present two resolutions to faculty at their next meeting: 1. The ROTC will be abolished on campus. 2. No academic credit will be granted for courses in the ROTC program. Student Senate invalidated the election results for the Institutional Priorities and Resources...

Dickinsonian Front Page

Faculty votes to keep ROTC on campus but remove all academic credit from the program. Plans continue to progress for the protest march past the War College. Safety tips, including what to do in case of tear gas, are given for the March. A faculty meeting adopts five resolutions concerning...


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