Dickinsonian, September 8, 1983

Denny Hall is closed for renovations and the Social Sciences move to Stevens Elementary School. WDCV modifies its news operation after United Press International repossesses their teletype. Bosler re-opens to the Language and Education departments. The College hosts a popular exhibit entitled "Functional Ceramics."


Dickinsonian, September 21, 1978

In this edition, the idea of solar energy is debated in the interest of the new gymnasium being built. WDCV, the College's FM radio station, had its license revoked and then re-administered due to the station's being unaware of a regulation that required the radio station to advertise for license renewal. The Foreign Film Society has been recently created by Emily Cohen to bring more cultural variety to the campus.


Dickinsonian, February 24, 1977

In this edition, the 1977-78 Senate election results are featured. The results were Steve Bartolett as Senate President, Ernie Kilpfel as Vice-President, and Kathy Kunkel as Treasurer. The Career Oriented Liberal Education or COLE program is new at Dickinson, which allows students to apply classroom theory to outside experiences. Through a grant, the program focuses in curriculum, internships and career advising. WDCV, the College's FM radio station, has plans for renovations and expansion, since it is one of the largest organizations on campus.


Dickinsonian, July 22, 1976

Prof. Leon Fitts offers History and Archaeology of Roman Britain. The Washington Redskins, currently training in Carlisle, strive to continue their "winning formula." Adams Basement Committee begins work on new campus social gathering place. Prof. Clarke Garrett to teach summer course Witchcraft. Introductory Social Work to be taught by Robert Mutzel. Doug Marcello of WDCV recalls experience at Democratic National Convention.


Dickinsonian, April 16, 1976

Artist Lynda Frese to display drawing and etchings in HUB. Student International Meditation Society holds informational lecture. Mo Udall wins Mock Political Convention election. The Hole In The Wall restaurant is favorably reviewed in "Eating Out." Photographer J. Hwa Shik Chung captures Mock Convention and IFC Weekend. WDCV offers "A Guide to Records" in which albums are recommended.


Dickinsonian, October 24, 1975

Pres. Banks confirms divestment of College's Interdata 7/32 computer. College to co-host Presidency's Sixth Annual Leadership Symposium. To reduce deficit, College cuts Library's budget. Editorial cartoons related to James Buchanan will be featured in Library's May Morris Room. WDCV is set to expand its broadcast schedule. A weekly luncheon series by the Women's Resource Center is to begin. In the HUB, Prof. Clive displays truck art exhibit. Jay Levins and John Chung feature photos of Vietnamese refugees at Indiantown Gap.


Dickinsonian, April 18, 1975

The College-Community Orchestra and College Choir will preform together along with featured guest cellist Michael Haran for Parents' Weekend. WDCV continues to make plans for improvement, including expanding airtime and adding a greater variety of programs. A gallery of the Black Arts Festival "The Black Light of Truth" is given. The Men's Tennis team looses the first time this season.


Dickinsonian, May 10, 1974

The Spring Festival "stimulates unity" and "sense of community." John D. Rockefeller, IV, is to deliver the College's commencement address. Faculty cuts physical education requirement from eight to six blocks. "[C]oncern over officer discontent and security office administration" rises on campus after the resignation of Security Officer Wilmer Hockley. War College historian Laszlo Alfoldi trains students at fencing. Writers' reviews and photos blend for a recap of Spring Festival Weekend.


Dickinsonian, October 26, 1973

Prof. Joseph Kelley of Dickinson's Law School speaks at a mini-symposium on impeachment. Faculty favors the 4-J-4 calendar system in a discussion with the Academic Program Committee. WDCV begins FM broadcasting as it reprograms its format; Pres. Rubendall is to dedicate the station in upcoming ceremonies. Nottingham's English Sinfonia is to appear in concert as part of the Cultural Affairs Series. Prof. William Sloane plans to run for Mayor of Carlisle. Prof. Milton Flower will present a Spahr Lecture on John Dickinson. In Memorial Hall, Dr.


Dickinsonian, October 12, 1973

Prof. George Allan of the Academic Program Committee (APC) drafts proposal to install "4-J-4" calendar system at College. Shelley Wright, Dickinson's first female athletic trainer, is highlighted. In Witwer Hall, the Women's Program Committee meets to plan future activities. McKenney Hall to be dedicated during Parents' Day. George Gekas speaks on Campus. WDCV waits for FCC authority to broadcast FM.

Other Topics

Dickinsonian, May 4, 1973

Student Senate removes Skull and Key as an honorary at the College. Loren Eiseley is to be this year's commencement speaker. This fall WDCV plans to begin FM broadcasting. Darius Milhaud's Promesse de Dieu, a choral work written for the College's Bicentennial, will premiere as a final event of the Celebration. The Environmental Policy Committee's recycling proposal has been approved by Pres. Rubendall.


Dickinsonian, March 9, 1973

Faculty passes a resolution concerning the recruitment of minority and foreign students. John Kemeny opens the Science for Survival Symposium with an address relating scientific advancement to societal issues. Students concerned over the issue of Prof. Marvin Israel's tenure meet with Pres. Rubendall. WDCV expects to "go FM" soon. Faculty (most requesting anonymity) respond to questions about the Israel tenure controversy.


Dickinsonian, November 3, 1972

Debates on student services and admissions highlight the Senate meeting. A WDCV poll shows Eugene McGovern ahead of Pres. Nixon in student voter replies. Alumnus Stuart Pankin is highlighted as a participant in the upcoming Young Artists-in-Residence week. The Social Hall sees the Great Debate between Nixon and McGovern campus campaign forces. The Story Theatre Troupe is set to debut its Rites of Passage next weekend. Rick Smolan has featured diary entries and photos from his year in Bologna.

Other Topics

Dickinsonian, October 13, 1972

The Mermaid Players open a new season with The Front Page. An overview of C. DeLores Tucker's speech at last week's symposium "Voices of Today's Women" is presented. A lecture on Charles Nisbet is given by Prof. William Bowden. To be held in conjunction with the College's Bicentennial Celebration is a "Classics in America" English symposium. Dr. Susan Vogel speaks on sex-role stereotypes at the "Voices" symposium. Last Saturday's Randy Newman concert is deemed a success.


Dickinsonian, February 18, 1972

The Committee on Institutional Priorities and Resources sets guideline on residency period. WDCV begins to rebroadcast after a two-and-a-half week suspension. In Dana Hall, three Michael Snow films to be presented by the Film Society. The Mermaid Players to perform The Rimers of Eldritch. The Drug Education Committee plans to expand programs. Dr. Bell Wiley delivers lecture on Confederate leaders during the Civil War in honor of Prof. John Pflaum. Prof. Robert Nilsson discusses possibility of a Consortium-run Junior College in Rome.

Other Topics

Dickinsonian, February 4, 1972

Student Senate investigates the non-broadcasting status of WDCV and the coed situation of Kisner-Woodward. "Student housing remains a vital problem" at Board of Trustees meeting. An exhibit of Jerry Kunkel drawings in the Holland Union Building is deemed "quite exciting." Black Forest Rhodes performs free two free concerts in Social Hall.


Dickinsonian, February 5, 1971

The Student Senate unanimously reaffirms it stand for a unicameral all-College legislative body. Faculty approves two Consortium programs which will make study possible at the Mysore Institute through programs at the India Institute as well as in Harrisburg for the Harrisburg Urban Semester. WDCV's resolution to operate an FM station is presented through the Development and Communications Committee and endorsed by the Board of Trustees. A list of courses to be offered in summer school will be distributed.


Dickinsonian, January 29, 1971

Student Senate announces nominations for president and other offices. The trustee meeting focuses on possible renovation of Morgan Hall, construction of a new residence hall, and the five-year budget projections. Ralph Nader will speak at the Public Affairs Symposium which explores public "Invasion of Privacy." Trustees are to consider a new housing proposal for fraternity housing. Students will hold a conference to commemorate Malcolm X. Margaret Mead is named as this year's recipient of the Priestley award. Procedures are made to petition to the College committee on Academic Standards.


Dickinsonian, October 23, 1970

Pass/ fail options, freshmen grades, and general grading systems are discussed at an open hearing held by the Academic Standards Committee who are currently evaluating the grading system. An IPR subcommittee proposes to implement a college legislative body consisting of faculty, students, and administrators. Renovation of the Durbin Oratory is completed to make the chapel more appropriate for all worship and a re-dedication ceremony will follow. The college will open ATS for experimental use in February.


Dickinsonian, March 7, 1969

Student Senate votes to cut academic credit for future ROTC courses. W.H. Auden to preach in College Church. Faculty makes changes including "search-seizure" policy. "Declare Day 1969", an "unprecedented" joint meeting between Senate and faculty, is reviewed. Earl Wild to perform in concert. Arthur Murphy interviews newly elected Prime Minister of Afro-American Organization Mike Floyd. Radio drama debuts at Dickinson as Brad Fischer's original play, "The Crucifixion of Eric Leute," is to play over WDCV.


Dickinsonian, December 13, 1968

Senate amends motion to abolish College fraternity system by authorizing a committee formation to consider alternatives to present system. Black students begin "Discovery Week" which seeks to uncover "racist" nature of College administration. Senate-sponsored Forum on SDS features comments from faculty, students, and members of Carlisle community. Freshman performance of six plays "approaches repertory excellence." Student survey reveals preference for rock, progressive, and folk music on WDCV. Examination of social structures endorsed by Campus Affairs Committee minority report.


Dickinsonian, November 8, 1968

Disqualifications of two members on Social Violations Hearing Board defer trial of Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) demonstrators. Students react to the U.S.'s bombing halt in Vietnam. Dean of College Richard Wanner explains current trial of SDS members at weekly press conference. The Critters to perform in Social Committee concert. Violinist Igor Oistrakh to perform in Cultural Affairs concert. "Playboy dinner" held in dining hall. Roten Gallery of art opens in Union. WDCV receives positive feedback toward its election coverage.

Other Topics

Dickinsonian, August 16, 1968

Students for a Democratic Society planned their fall schedule, focusing on "positive goals". The PEER program visited several important Washington D.C. landmarks, including the National Cathedral and the White House. Dickinson summer school students disapproved of the Republican Party's decision to nominate Richard Nixon and Spiro Agnew for president and vice president, respectively. The Chapel Committee committed 20% of their income via offerings this year to help children in war-torn Biafra.


Dickinsonian, April 26, 1968

Senate President Tom Marin called for an all-college referendum to vote on the $5 raise of the Comprehensive Fee that all students pay to the Student Senate. The 1968 Mock Open Convention opens at 6 P.M. on this day, featuring Congressman Richard Schweiker as the Keynote Speaker. Sam and Dave failed to honor their contract to perform at Dickinson College, as Sam did not show up to play. New members were inducted on Tuesday to Pi Delta Epsilon, the national journalism fraternity. Sigma Chi is set to sponsor its annual Derby Day on Parents Weekend, May 3-4.
