Dickinsonian, April 19, 1968

Dean Samuel Magill resigned as Dean of the College. Dick Gregory is scheduled to speak during Parent's Weekend in a College Lecture Series program. Dean Gillespie announced that Malcolm Hall will remain an independent men's dormitory. The "Sam and Dave Concert" will perform for the beginning of Spring Weekend. Arthure Hoppe wrote an opinion piece entitled "The Liberal Man Makes it to Heaven on Humility". The IFC decided to shorten the time period allotted for rush and create a hearing board for rush violations. WDCV institutes some changes as the radio station ushers in FM broadcasting.


Dickinsonian, February 9, 1968

Professor Larry Warner encourages student participation in a Labor's United Worker's strike at the on the Carlisle Tire and Rubber Company, and 30 to 75 students did participate in the participate in the protest outside of the factory. Dickinson received a loan from the Department of Housing and Urban Development for a new dormitory. Peter Frankl, the Hungarian pianist, is slated to play Friday night at Carlisle High School.


Dickinsonian, December 8, 1967

A survey of the campus regarding the Vietnam War shows that most students and faculty want some sort of change in Vietnam policy. The Paul Butterfield Blues Band is set to play in the HUB Dining Hall for the Mid-Winter Concert. The Interfraternity Council set up an internal committee to coordinate service projects. Dickinsonian beats WDCV in annual football game. Arthur Hoppe analyzes the Bobby Kennedy campaign. Odetta Gordon is set to perform at the Carlisle Senior High Auditorium. Someone in Yale Library stacks has been biting and kissing unsuspecting women's feet.


Dickinsonian, December 1, 1967

Representatives from the Architects Collaborative plan to visit the campus Dec. 11-12 to interview students and begin planning for the new Fine Arts Center. US Congressman Edward Biester is slated to speak on law at College and Law School on Dec. 7. Dickinsonian to meet WDCV members in annual football game. Sigma Alpha Epsilon began its annual forum on Wednesday. A campus poll finds Rockefeller in the lead for the nomination for the 1968 presidential election. A mock national convention of GOP presidential candidates has been planned for April of the following year.


Dickinsonian, October 13, 1967

Spahr Library opens for the first time after book walk. Dickinson gears up for approaching parents' weekend. Yom Kippur services are announced, with a schedule of services and an explanation of Yom Kippur included. Vienna Symphony concert series set to begin Friday, October 13th, at Carlisle Senior High School as part of the Dickinson College Greatest Artist Series. International Studies program in Bologna grows in popularity as it continues to evolve. ODK Conference was reviewed as successful in stimulating discussion but not necessarily in generating conclusions.


Dickinsonian, December 12, 1969

Student Senate has been very busy in an attempt to clear its agenda before next week's discussion of housing--approving a change in registration, endorsing a proposal to revise the grading system, redefining fraternities, and setting the date of all-college elections. The Ad-Hoc subcommittee on ROTC continues to meet to negotiate its contract negotiations with the US Army and faculty. Members of the Central Pennsylvania Consortium meet to plan the summer transition program.


Dickinsonian, November 21, 1969

Deans debate how to deal with the problem of fraternity housing as housing space is limited and fraternities are not filling up their residence halls. The Social Affairs Committee proposes that fraternities be given a list of all personal to live in the house and any that do not fill their hall will be moved to a smaller residence hall. A 5 part proposal was introduced at a Policy Committee meeting to foster more open communication between students and faculty.


Dickinsonian, November 14, 1969

Student Senate proposes that student representation be introduced on the President's Advisory Council. The resolution charging WDCV of falsification of accounts and misuse of funds was withdrawn after further investigation. For the first time since the founding of Dickinson, students sat down with the board of trustees to discuss campus concerns. The Summer Transition Program has been evaluated to the conclusion that the program will continue with suggested improvements.


Dickinsonian, October 14, 1966

Omicron Delta Kappa conducts leadership seminar. Paulette Goerig is crowned Homecoming Queen. Harvard Professor George Gaylord Simpson addresses Founders Day Convocation and Dana Biology Building Dedication. Dr. Joseph Schiffman returns from sabbatical at the University of Bordeau. Student survey reveals opinions on Vietnam War and President Johnson. Steve Meyers is station manager of WDCV. Newly renovated art facilities hopes to update quality of art program at Dickinson. Sigma Alpha Epsilon hosts forum on "America Today". Phi Kappa Sigma leads IF Football standings.

Other Topics

Dickinsonian, March 25, 1966

The Student Senate approves new Social Rules recommended by the Social and Academic Affairs Committee and will be put into action with Dean approval.The Student Violations Hearing Board meets and alters procedures. A student faculty group explores issues of campus life debating "what is right and wrong with Dickinson students." Transfer students increase due to dislike of the 5-5-4-4 system. The second half of the Andrews Report is presented exploring patterns in the student body.Progress and goals of the new Leadership Council are explained.


Dickinsonian, November 5, 1965

Dickinson faculty has met and adopted condition of the establishment of Social Rules and students are asked to vote on the ratification of the 11 proposals which include co-ed hours in dorms, alcohol consumption, and disciplinary actions for rule violations. Students are also asked for suggestions for a student honor system. Federico Fellini's "8 1/2" starring Marcello Mastrioanni will be shown. The article discusses the plot of the movie and the issues represented through symbolism in the film.


Dickinsonian, September 24, 1965

In this issue, an assembly of students met and overwhelmingly voted in favor of petitioning the school for changes in the current Social Rules. An editorial reaffirms this sentiment. Dickinson's College Bowl team beat St. Francis. The school is planning two new dormitories. Students voice their approval for the new College Food Service. Three separate articles mock typical Dickinson students. Renovations in Bosler are hoped to provide better library facilities. The college welcomed 255 men and 138 women during its orientation, as well as 28 faculty.


Dickinsonian, April 24, 1964

Dean Samuel Magill explains faculty's adopted academic revisions. Eta Sigma Phi established. "The Mikado" to be performed. New Student Center is discussed. Singleton Sheaffer hired as security officer. WDCV begins FM broadcasting, is admitted to Intercollegiate Broadcasting System; station managers Jim Sharf, Mike Gerow, and Tom Tither spotlighted. Mermaid Players' to perform "The Merry Wives of Windsor." Dickinson College Follies perform. Text of academic study resolutions. Golf team hopes to finish season undefeated. Phi Delt expected to win IF volleyball crown.


Dickinsonian, March 20, 1964

Faculty approves "5-5-4-4" curriculum revision. James Brown to perform at Spring Social. Public Affairs Symposium to be held. Students debate U.S.-Vietnam relations. Anthropology and Sociology Club created. Sororities and fraternities focus attention on discrimination. Professors Merle F. Allshouse and George J. Allan advise campus organizations. WDCV plans to open in April. Senior John Taylor awarded Danforth Foundation fellowship. Students recruited for summer Civil Rights work in Mississippi. Lacrosse co-captain Doug McPherson discusses upcoming season.


Dickinsonian, November 22, 1963

Teaching program to undergo changes. Rooftop Singers to perform. National Ballet of Canada to perform in February. Editorial opposing the increase of distributions requirements. Photographs of construction projects around campus. Mary Learned, Dickinson graduate, returns to the college as a visiting professor of Romance Languages. WDCV determining the feasibility of purchasing professional transmitters for the station and expanding reception area. Professor Ellen Light discusses Spanish culture.


Dickinsonian, October 18, 1963

The Dickinsonian to start a new series of inquiries into big questions of controversy. WDCV station manager announces return of station operations. President Rubendall presents the Wedgewood Medal to artist Leonard Baskin. Former dean, Alan Coutts suffers a sudden fatal heart attack. Freshman initiate discussion of an honor system. Dickinsonians obtain creative summer jobs. C.H. Masland and Sons company awards four scholarships. Little Colonel to be crowned at the ROTC Military Ball. Senator Barry Goldwater attracts 10,000 to rally in Hershey.

Other Topics

Dickinsonian, March 1, 1963

In this issue of the Dickinsonian the Baltimore Woodwind Quintet to appear at Dickinson. Mermaid Players present "The Crucible". Students prepare for Student Senate elections with last minute campaigning. All Students required to live on campus as of fall 1963. Coeds prepare a program for WDCV. Phyllis Curtin performance applauded by students. Follies present "Moonlight". Nicholas B. Wainwright speaks at Spahr Lecture. Faculty evaluate college stand on social responsibility. Enforcement of rules splits reactions of students. French classes to present a play in French.


Dickinsonian, February 22, 1963

In this issue of the Dickinsonian the IFC enforces strict penalties for all drinking violations. A group of male students form the Independent Student Group. Prospective Student Senate candidates present their platforms. Mr. John Hutchins to speak at Peace Corps Day. Operatic soprano Phyllis Curtin to perform. WDCV program causes controversy. Dr. Philip B. Secor to leave college. Dr. Edward S. Noyes to address guests at the annual Scholarship Dinner. Construction on observatory continues. Room fee and tuition to be raised for coming year. Dr. Roland M.

Other Topics

Dickinsonian, December 14, 1962

This Dickinsonian opens with a story about a fire that destroyed several stores in Carlisle. The Student Rules Evaluation Committee voted to continue in order to improve social rules at Dickinson. WDCV programs are now on four days a week, four hours a day. Two guest editorials discussed chapel. Dean Nelson expressed concern that students were using stimulants in order to stay awake in the weeks before and during exams that are not legal. The Mermaid Players will stage "The Crucible." An article praises the Washington, DC, semester program.


Dickinsonian, November 16, 1962

In this issue of the Dickinsonian Uhuru to feature Alphonso Britt. Fraternities face dissolution across college campuses. Dean Wishmeyer resigns from SREC (Student Rules Evaluation Committee). Foreign students find diet difficult at Dickinson. Drayer and Metzger battle in football game. Book of Job and HMS Pinafore continue performances. WDCV begins broadcasting. Peter, Paul, and Mary to perform before the Mid-Winter Ball. Peter Herman Adler to conduct the Baltimore Symphony Orchestra in the Cultural Affairs program. Rush program scheduled by Fraternity Houses.

Other Topics

Dickinsonian, October 12, 1962

In this issue of the Dickinsonian 11 new foreign students to attend Dickinson. WDCV to start broadcasting in early November. Poll affirms need for revised chapel program. "Under Milk Wood" to be performed at Carlisle Senior High. Blind student Ronald Metenyi joins campus. Jackson House now a round the clock study atmosphere for Honors seniors. Dr. Harmon L. Smith discusses love and chastity in Religious Emphasis Program. Lynn Davis named Homecoming Queen, SAE receive President's Cup. Freshmen Plays to be performed. Cross Country, football, field hockey wins.

Other Topics

Dickinsonian, March 2, 1962

Trustee Sidney D. Kline stresses faculty responsibilities. Dean's List announced. Santha Rama Rau lectures at cultural event. Student campaign nearing elections. New Dickinson Radio station WDCV announces open house. Dickinson participates in Intercollegiate Bridge tournament. William R. Bowden praises Othello Cast. Part 3 of 4 of Professor Frank Warlow's letter from abroad. Dr. Henry Pitt Van Dusen to speak in chapel. Dr. Joseph Shiffman praises Freshman English composition. Dr. Whitfield J. Bell Jr. answers questions on campus life.

Other Topics

Dickinsonian, January 12, 1962

Goverment land grant increases size of college by 65.1 acres. Carl Kerr appointed acting chairman of Mathematics Department. Newspaper editorial staff appointed for following year. New course auditing policy in effect. Professor Arthur Prinz pblished new essay that proves Karl Marx had no desire to finish his "Das Kapital". Chu Il Chun, Korean transfer student, discusses problems in Korea. WDCV signed contract with United Telephone Company and is waiting for equipment before beginning broadcasts. Mermaid Players announce cast for Shakespeare's "Othello".

Other Topics

Dickinsonian, October 20, 1961

Information on AAUP censure possibly being lifted. Rubendall meets with fraternity representatives to discuss ongoing policy issues. Billy Butterfield to play at Military Ball. Inauguration of Rubendall planned. New exhibit in Bosler features Japanese prints. Special course offered in Radiation Biology. Dr. Shilling to speak on campus about religion and science. $125,000 from Central PA Conference of Methodist Church to go to new student union. Senate advisor selected; senate approves WDCV as permanent campus organization and is given $1,200 from sinking fund.

Other Topics

Dickinsonian, September 21, 1961

First issue of the new year is a special issue that discusses developments over summer that cannot be postponed to later in the semester when first issue would normally be released. WDCV ready to begin operation. New women's dormitory to begin construction in February. Rubendall to assume role as 24th president. Dickinson moves to be removed from AAUP (American Association of University Professors) Censure List. New rules introduced concerning student social behavior. Omicron Delta Kappa taps new students. Pi Delta Epsilon announces new inductees and sophomore and senior prizes.

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