Dickinsonian, May 6, 1966

The newly established Faculty Student Affairs Committee will officially begin to study effects of the experimental Social Rules beginning in the fall. Four paintings were stolen from the Student Union art display. A recent survey reveals that "goldbricking" is among the most popular college activities. A survey reveals students eating, drinking, smoking, sleeping, and praying habits. A campus wide survey of students revealed varying opinions on the Vietnam war. Dickinson's Young Socialists Club is officially disbanded.


Dickinsonian, April 29, 1966

A two weekend test period of the new expanded social rules is put agreed upon. A schedule of events for parent's weekend is given. David Bedick and Kenn Claus debate the "god is dead" belief. Dickinson's track and field team continue to go undefeated.


Dickinsonian, April 22, 1966

Planning and details of freshman orientation for the class of 1970 are discussed. Propositions for changes in the fraternity rush system are outlined and await faculty approval. Faculty postpone their vote on abolishing SFJC (Student-Faculty Judicial Council) in favor of an all faculty council. Dickinson will have its first sponsored Rally. The division of the philosophy department from religion is one of many academic changes coming to Dickinson. Dickinson will gain an Alpha Epsilon Pi chapter.


Dickinsonian, March 25, 1966

The Student Senate approves new Social Rules recommended by the Social and Academic Affairs Committee and will be put into action with Dean approval.The Student Violations Hearing Board meets and alters procedures. A student faculty group explores issues of campus life debating "what is right and wrong with Dickinson students." Transfer students increase due to dislike of the 5-5-4-4 system. The second half of the Andrews Report is presented exploring patterns in the student body.Progress and goals of the new Leadership Council are explained.


Dickinsonian, February 25, 1966

A survey conducted among faculty members reveals mixed opinions on the 5-5-4-4- system. A trustee committee on campus affairs consisting of five members will be established as a direct link between the College and the Trustees. A new Square Dancing gym class is offered. A review of the Mermaid Players performance of Sweeney Todd is given. Dickinson's success as a Liberal Arts College are examined as well as the goals of a liberal arts education.


Dickinsonian, February 18, 1966

In this issue of the Dickinsonian a gym rule forces students to meet the physical education requirement or be withdrawn from school. Mermaid Players present "Sweeney Todd, the Barber". Annual Sorority Doll Dance held. All-College Weekend receives International Theme. Campus Chest plans a week of fund-raising activities. Student committee releases evaluation of faculty. 100+ students make Dean's List. Conway Hall possibly to be replaced with library. Swimming and Wrestling remain undefeated. D.H.Smith hits 1000th career point in Basketball.


Dickinsonian, February 11, 1966

In this issue of the Dickinsonian the New York Brass Quintet will perform. The annual blood-fund drive of the Red Cross held. The Dickinson College Fraternity Alumni Symposium to be held. Mermaid Players to present "Sweeney Todd". Prof. Arnold Honig of Syracuse University visits. Dr. Richard Lambert lectures on southern Asia. Glee Club plans revisions in style. Dickinson to receive free subscription to "Moderator". Swimming beats Lycoming with Ken Freed breaking 100 yard freestyle record. Basketball victory over Washington College. Phi Kap leads IM Basketball.


Dickinsonian, November 19, 1965

The Belles Lettres Society will present a week of student produced cultural events. The senate adopts an enforcement code for the new Social Rules and gains final student acceptance, yet still awaits agreement by the Dean of Students. Enrollment for the fall reaches a new high. A synopsis of the previous week's debates on the situation in Vietnam is given by key speaker John Garrett. A week long reading period is required for freshman before classes begin and is optional for upperclassmen.


Dickinsonian, November 12, 1965

An open forum on Vietnam will be held featuring a panel of students and faculty debating the conflict. Students ratified the proposed Social Rules and procedures for the creation of a student Enforcement Code are outlined. Technical aspects of the Mermaid Players "Wild Duck" production are discussed. A new position of school guard is established and appointed due to recent attacks on students. The first 16 students to participate in Dickinson's Bologna Center for International Study program report positively on their experiences.


Dickinsonian, November 5, 1965

Dickinson faculty has met and adopted condition of the establishment of Social Rules and students are asked to vote on the ratification of the 11 proposals which include co-ed hours in dorms, alcohol consumption, and disciplinary actions for rule violations. Students are also asked for suggestions for a student honor system. Federico Fellini's "8 1/2" starring Marcello Mastrioanni will be shown. The article discusses the plot of the movie and the issues represented through symbolism in the film.


Dickinsonian, April 24, 1964

Dean Samuel Magill explains faculty's adopted academic revisions. Eta Sigma Phi established. "The Mikado" to be performed. New Student Center is discussed. Singleton Sheaffer hired as security officer. WDCV begins FM broadcasting, is admitted to Intercollegiate Broadcasting System; station managers Jim Sharf, Mike Gerow, and Tom Tither spotlighted. Mermaid Players' to perform "The Merry Wives of Windsor." Dickinson College Follies perform. Text of academic study resolutions. Golf team hopes to finish season undefeated. Phi Delt expected to win IF volleyball crown.


Dickinsonian, February 28, 1964

Carol Sue Dry and Barry Warren chosen to participate in summer program Crossroad Africa sponsored by Project Africa. Dr. Isador Rabi named thirteenth winner of Priestley Award. "Measure for Measure" to be presented by the Mermaid Players as spring production beginning March 4th. Concern over filling fraternity quad buildings mounts as proposal to house affiliated and non-affiliated students is debated. Artur Lambo discusses situation with Mozambique and Portugal. Changes in academic system discussed. Dr. A. Rustow will participate in Public Affairs Symposium.


Dickinsonian, November 1, 1963

Senate led library sit in succeeds in demonstrating the need for extended hours. Chaplain Joseph Washington addresses the reason for compulsory chapel. Germain Bree delivers lecture on French trends in modern literature. Mermaid Players to soon sell tickets to The Courageous One. Photo essay of Carlisle life. Crossroads program seeks students desiring to go to Africa. Swiss student Herb Cerutti finds friendly atmosphere. Fraternity quadrangle to be completed before the 1964 academic year. The german department to increase programming for the coming year.


Dickinsonian, October 11, 1963

The state of Georgia hold Rutgers student on charges of insurrection for trying to register Blacks to vote. A New York theater company perform an Italian drama for a Cultural Affairs program. Dean informs students of new Pennsylvania drinking age law. Ingmar Bergman's acclaimed film, The Seventh Seal to be shown in Bosler. The Freshman Orientation Program is evaluated. Alumni Association to pursue interest in development. New Professor of Philosophy George James Allan emphasizes the importance of Liberal Arts. Problems of the African political system discussed by student.


Dickinsonian, May 3, 1963

In this issue of the Dickinsonian the AAUP removes Dickinson from its censure list. Dr. Eduardo Mondlane of Mozambique to speak in chapel. David R. Jefferson joins campus as Dean of Admissions and N. Ronald Pease joins as Dean of Men. Alpha Chi Rho penalized for social rules violation. Mermaid Players present A Thurber Carnival. Dickinson mourns the loss of bookstore manager and assistant treasurer of the college George A. Bobletz. The Isley Brothers to highlight IFC weekend. 12 new professors join faculty. Dr. Philip P. Hallie to present at Socratics meeting.

Other Topics

Dickinsonian, April 26, 1963

In this issue of the Dickinsonian the Microcosm of 1963 names John Leroy and Bill Lowe as co-editors. Jasper Deeter of Hedgerow Theater to guest at the Arts Festival. Founders Day Program pays tribute by naming Old West an historic landmark. UPS sends representatives to help draft the new State Constitution. Mermaid Players to present A Thurber Carnival. ROTC inspection earns high acclaim. College adds several new courses in various departments for the following year. Phi Psi takes IFC bowling title. Bill Smith elected President of the D Club. Baseball, Lacrosse victories.

Other Topics

Dickinsonian, March 8, 1963

The Dickinsonian the IFC announces agreement with Dean of Students on modifications of the College social rules. Bruce Keiner elected Student Senate President. Former State Senator Harry E. Seyler speaks to the Young Democrats. Dr. Nicholas Wainwright delivers Boyd Lee Spahr lecture. Baltimore Woodwind Quintet to perform. Mermaid Players present "The Crucible" to positive reviews. Dr. Charles Sellers publishes work on Benjamin Franklin. Dr. Richard B. K. McLanathan to speak in Cultural Affairs Program. UPS to assist in preparation for new state constitution.


Dickinsonian, March 1, 1963

In this issue of the Dickinsonian the Baltimore Woodwind Quintet to appear at Dickinson. Mermaid Players present "The Crucible". Students prepare for Student Senate elections with last minute campaigning. All Students required to live on campus as of fall 1963. Coeds prepare a program for WDCV. Phyllis Curtin performance applauded by students. Follies present "Moonlight". Nicholas B. Wainwright speaks at Spahr Lecture. Faculty evaluate college stand on social responsibility. Enforcement of rules splits reactions of students. French classes to present a play in French.


Dickinsonian, February 22, 1963

In this issue of the Dickinsonian the IFC enforces strict penalties for all drinking violations. A group of male students form the Independent Student Group. Prospective Student Senate candidates present their platforms. Mr. John Hutchins to speak at Peace Corps Day. Operatic soprano Phyllis Curtin to perform. WDCV program causes controversy. Dr. Philip B. Secor to leave college. Dr. Edward S. Noyes to address guests at the annual Scholarship Dinner. Construction on observatory continues. Room fee and tuition to be raised for coming year. Dr. Roland M.

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Dickinsonian, February 15, 1963

In this issue of the Dickinsonian Dr. Elton Trueblood of Earlham College speaks at Allison Church. The Student Senate elections undergo revised procedures. Dr. Roland M. Frye visits Dickinson. Students return from ski trip to Elk Mountain. Mermaid Players soon to present "The Crucible". German students prepare play under direction of Dr. Herbert Royce. "Two British Satirists, Hogarth and Rowlandson" to be exhibited in Bosler Hall. Prof. Robert Andrews to become headmaster of the Harrisburg Academy. Gail Watt to represent college at 15th Annual PCBA Intercollegiate Band Festival.


Dickinsonian, December 14, 1962

This Dickinsonian opens with a story about a fire that destroyed several stores in Carlisle. The Student Rules Evaluation Committee voted to continue in order to improve social rules at Dickinson. WDCV programs are now on four days a week, four hours a day. Two guest editorials discussed chapel. Dean Nelson expressed concern that students were using stimulants in order to stay awake in the weeks before and during exams that are not legal. The Mermaid Players will stage "The Crucible." An article praises the Washington, DC, semester program.


Dickinsonian, November 16, 1962

In this issue of the Dickinsonian Uhuru to feature Alphonso Britt. Fraternities face dissolution across college campuses. Dean Wishmeyer resigns from SREC (Student Rules Evaluation Committee). Foreign students find diet difficult at Dickinson. Drayer and Metzger battle in football game. Book of Job and HMS Pinafore continue performances. WDCV begins broadcasting. Peter, Paul, and Mary to perform before the Mid-Winter Ball. Peter Herman Adler to conduct the Baltimore Symphony Orchestra in the Cultural Affairs program. Rush program scheduled by Fraternity Houses.

Other Topics

Dickinsonian, November 9, 1962

In this issue of the Dickinsonian the SREC (Student Rules Evaluation Committee) approves resolution in broadening drinking rules. Cultural Affairs schedules Book of Job Performance. Presentation of the HMS Pinafore. Prof. Frank Warlow compares European and American students. Review of Mermaid Players production "See How They Run". Consultant William H. Jesse views site for proposed library. Pi Delta Epsilon taps seven seniors. Project Africa plans Uhuru dance. Dr. Jessica Longsdorff Bozorth brings several photos of first coeds to College. Field Hockey beat Shippensburg.

Other Topics

Dickinsonian, November 2, 1962

In this issue of the Dickinsonian the campus reacts to the Cuba Crisis. Six students join in White House Peace Picket. Bishop Fred P. Corson speaks promoting world-wide spiritual unity. Shay Representatives make changes to fraternity housing scheme. Mermaid Players to present "See How They Run". Joanne Harris named Little Colonel of the Military Ball. A plan for holding classes in railroad cars is proposed. Pi Delta Epsilon eliminates the Hornbook. Peter, Paul, and Mary to perform. Freshman rush approaches. Field Hockey, Football wins


Dickinsonian, October 26, 1962

In this issue of the Dickinsonian the ROTC Emperor's Ball to elect Queen. Mermaid Players to present "See How They Run". Bishop Fred P. Corson to talk at Parents Weekend. Students react to President Kennedy's message to the nation about Cuba blockage. Dr. Harold W. Weigel returns to Dickinson. Works of Gene Gulluni on display in Bosler Library. Counselors give new insight into the rush system. Major Cam. J. Hurst Jr. assigned to Dickinson ROTC unit. IFC and fraternity men discourage intensive rushing in south. Student Senate receives application for new philosophy group. Dr.

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