Dickinsonian, March 3, 1927

Leader of the British Youth movement, Harold F. Bing will discuss "The World Challenges to Youth" at the next Y.M.C.A. meeting. Dickinson Men's Basketball wins against Gettysburg. Men's Football defeats the Pennsylvania State team. Thirty-nine consecutive victories counted for the Men's Basketball team (Over a period of six and a half years).


Dickinsonian, April 7, 1932

Helen Dickey is elected president of Women's Student Government Association, and Francis Yard is elected YWCA president, both unanimously. Cheerleader E. Huber Jessop is held up. Tribunal finds twelve men guilty of not moving bleachers. William M. Gilbert and Elwood J. Disque receive fellowships from German department for graduate study in Germany. Junior Cyril Hetsko and alumnus Wendel Morgenthaler are appointed as Pennsylvania representatives to the Young Democratic Clubs of America. Joseph Lipinski elected basketball captain.

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Dickinsonian, March 10, 1932

Worst men's basketball season in history ends with a defeat over Gettysburg. Grippe epidemic. Faculty obliges Women's Student Government Association's petition for explanation of demerit system. Men's Senate creates resolutions concerning the demerit system.


Dickinsonian, March 13, 1930

Trustee Lemuel T. Appold establishes Charles K. Zug Memorial Fund for scholarships at Dickinson.  Final exam schedule is cancelled to make room for Carnegie Foundation tests.  German Club gives exam for scholarship trip to Germany contest.  Annual Miami Triad dance to be held.  Board of Trustees approves new method of election of Alumni Trustees.  Summary of men's basketball season.


Dickinsonian, March 6, 1930

Dickinsonian to hold annual banquet.  Sigma Chi wins Interfraternity cup in intramural basketball.  A portrait of James Wilson to be purchased for the college under the leadership of Boyd Lee Spahr, Esq.  Debate team defeats Penn State.  Men's basketball finishes its season with a second defeat of Gettysburg.  Interfraternity Council reforms rushing rules.

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Dickinsonian, March 5, 1942

Dean Vuilleumier discusses the plan for the first ever summer semester to take place this summer. Girls prepare to escort men in the coming days as Pan-Hell Week begins. List of all Dickinson alumni that has been living in Hawaii. President Corson returns from month-long vacation in the South. A graduate from 1934 has just qualified as a sharpshooter in the US Marine Corps. Article on criticism the Navy has received due to its potential plan to engender hate for the peoples of enemy country in its pilots. Dickinson begins to require physical education as a graduation requirement for men.

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Dickinsonian, February 26, 1942

Lambda Sigma Pi elects eight new members. Union Philosophical Society to discuss "war aims" in their next meeting. A Student Opinion Surveys of America poll reveals that three of every five women are volunteering with civilian defense activities, but less than three of ten men, not already in the Armed Services, are helping with defense duties. Mid-Winter Ball was attended by 130 couples or 260 students. Three seniors elected to join Phi Beta Kappa.

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Dickinsonian, February 19, 1942

The theme for the Mid-Winter Ball will be George Washington's birthday. Eight new members initiated into Phi Delta Theta. Five professors were among the 107 people that registered for the Armed Forces at Dickinson's third registration day. Kappa Sigma initiates five new members as Phi Mu initiates two. Rushing comes to a close for the fraternities. This week's Student Opinion Surveys of America poll debates the issue of the availability of alcohol near army camps. New president of the Athletic Association elected. History of the Lenore Allison Tower. Chi Omega initiates three.


Dickinsonian, February 12, 1942

Three new members elected to Phi Beta Kappa. The semester begins with one new member to the faculty and one to the administration. Changes made to the structure of the Army to enable easier mobility through the ranks. Dickinson Law School changes the structure of its semesters to enable students to finish law school in 2 years, which would enable them to serve in the military. The new Mid-Winter Queen was chosen. The Marines were on campus to talk to students, give out applications and receive applications.


Dickinsonian, January 22, 1942

The 70th Anniversary issue. Article about the history of the Dickinsonian. Fire at Phi Psi House, only minor injuries. Student Opinion Surveys of America found in a poll that the favorite movie of 1941 among college students was "Sergeant York." Twelve semester hour summer session is being planned for the upcoming summer. The college decides to allow subfreshmen to be admitted for the second semester to follow one of two course types--rushing guidelines for these students are included in the article. New officers elected for the Dickinsonian.


Dickinsonian, January 15, 1942

New classes added to curriculum relating to the war and war in general. Student Opinions Surveys of America polls reveal that patriotism has risen in college students since the United States became involved in the war. Dickinson offers accelerated program in accordance with the government's recommendation. Article discusses legacy students in the Freshmen class. Robert C. Dietz, though reported missing in action in the last issue, was found and is alive and safe.


Dickinsonian, December 18, 1941

Carlisle has a practice air raid, an article lists the improvements that Carlisle needs to make. Robert C. Deitz '41 is the first person from Dickinson believed to be lost in World War II--he is reported as missing in action and presumed to be dead. Dickinson's Board of Trustees has approved the plan to purchase $85,000 of United States Defense Bonds for the endowment fund. Article on how students, specifically the residents of Metzger Hall, are dealing with the United States' declaration of war. A University of Texas poll reveals that 50% of girls want to become housewives.


Dickinsonian, November 20, 1941

Dickinson football won against Susquehanna last weekend and will face Gettysburg this coming weekend. Petition presented with 450 signatures at the beginning of Chapel about giving athletic scholarships to students--this was the result of built up tensions. Improvements to be made to Conway Hall. Editorial remembers the college band of two years ago, bemoaning the current status of the band and encourages the band to rediscover this previous life, energy and precision. Dickinsoni-Anne parodies Emily Post and what she'd say about attending chapel and going to class.

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Dickinsonian, June 7, 1952

Seven men to receive honorary degrees at commencement. Donald Masten is elected president of Union Philosophical Society. Program for Commencement Weekend (Senior Day, Alumni Day). Five rising freshmen (Kenneth Dietrich, Theodore Sky, John Matta, Joanne Judd, Barbara Boffenmeyer) receive Trustee Scholarship. Men's tennis finishes season 6-2. Men's basketball finishes season 1-18. Baseball finishes season 7-3. Track and field finishes season 4-4. Men's lacrosse finishes its first season 2-4.


Dickinsonian, March 7, 1952

Joseph Priestley Day and the Priestley Award are created. Student demonstration results in student-faculty-administration meeting that determines to improve the class dean system and create a student-faculty committee to make recommendations on cultural activities. International Relations Club holds auction to benefit tuberculosis sanitarium near Tokyo. Profile of Professor Horace E. Rogers. Basketball season ends with no Dickinson wins.


Dickinsonian, June 7, 1947

Ten seniors elected to national scholastic honor society Phi Beta Kappa. Raven's Claw taps seven seniors. Herbert Sheidy is elected president of Student Senate. Editorial staff for 1947-1948 Microcosm is announced. Russell I. Thompson succeeds Ernest A. Vuilleumier as College Dean. Whitfield J. Bell succeeds Thompson as sophomore dean. Founders' Day is celebrated. Omicron Delta Kappa elects officers; John Hopper is president. Overview of men's basketball, track, and swimming seasons.


Dickinsonian, March 14, 1947

Neil Bachman, Margaret Bottwright, Rosalie Enders, Robert Furuno, John Gibson, Daniel Koon, Ellen Peterson, Thomas Richards, Edwin Thomas, and Allyn Welliver represent Dickinson at the third annual Pennsylvania State Methodist Student Conference. Miami Triad to hold annual dance. Dickinson ties for first in Shippensburg's annual debate tournament. John Hopper to receive Phi Epsilon Pi Most Valuable Player Award. Kappa Sigma wins intramural basketball tournament. Men's basketball ends season 15-2.


Dickinsonian, March 7, 1947

Miriam Koontz, Jean Uhland, Fenton Adams, and Blake Spahr are elected to Phi Beta Kappa honorary fraternity. Omicron Delta Kappa taps seven new members. William T. Avery, Stacey E. Eaton, Richard M. Spong, John C. Pflaum, and John R. Embock are promoted from instructors to assistant professors. E. A. Vuilleumier resigns as Dean of the College; Russell I. Thompson to take over. Beta Theta Pi wins intramural swim meet. Basketball defeats Gettysburg but loses to Bucknell.


Dickinsonian, October 5, 1951

Warren J. Gates, Rose Bartsch, Thayer Addison, and Marian R. Memory join faculty. Charles H. B. "Chick" Kennedy, head of physical education department and director of athletics, dies. Class of 1955 is largest ever admitted at 256 students; their home states and countries are listed. E. A. Vuilleumier becomes chairman of Southeastern Pennsylvania section of American Chemical Society. John Hopper, '48, is new basketball coach. History Professor John Pflaum encourages students to visit Europe.

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Dickinsonian, December 7, 1957

Discussion of holiday music concerts. Chairman of the Department of Classics at the University of Pennsylvania, Dr. William C. McDermott to speak in chapel. Dizzy Gillespie and Jack Teagarden to give jazz concerts on campus. Chris Herrmann named the Snow Queen. Profile on Dickinson's current artist-in-residence, Colonel John D. Pusey. The Dickinson Men's Basketball team wins their first match of the season.

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Dickinsonian, March 1, 1957

The Board of Trustees of the College to sponsor a special recognition dinner for faculty members who have served the College for twenty-five years or longer. Outline of Religion-In-Life events. The Student Senate votes to support the National Student Association in their sponsorship of a petition opposing segregation upon two universities in South Africa. Interview with Dr. Stoyan Gavrilovic. A separate program of events for "A Faith for Life," Religion-In-Life Week 1957 included. Men's Basketball wins the season finale. Dickinson Swimming win the Little Three Meet.


Dickinsonian, February 22, 1957

Bishop Fred P. Corson to speak at the annual Scholarship Dinner. Changes made to the upcoming Religion-In-Life program, "A Faith For Life." $5,000 grant received by the Biology Department. John Scott, a member of the editorial staff of Time Magazine, to give a lecture. Men's basketball faces an eighteen-game losing streak. Dickinson Swimming continues to win after defeating Franklin & Marshall University.

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Dickinsonian, February 2, 1951

New York University professor, Dr. Brooke Hindle will speak on the topic of "American Culture and the Migration of the Revolutionary Era" at the upcoming Boyd Lee Spahr Lecture. Article discussing the College's decision to hold a summer academic session. Famous tenor Elwood Gary to give a musical concert. Dickinson Basketball team wins match against Juniata.
