Dickinsonian, January 17, 1935

The International Relations club brings in a speaker from France. Norman Thomas, the county’s leading Socialist, speaks to the college. The Freshman begin a revolt against class rules, but the event quickly dies out. Joseph H. McCormack, the college’s football coach, resigns. Dickinson beats Villanova in basketball. Omicron Delta Kappa plans to create an All-College organization that examines problems particular to Dickinson student life. The movies debate continues. The Women’s Glee Club plans its activities for the semester.

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Dickinsonian, January 10, 1935

Because of an unusual demand, the Board of Trustees is forced to give more money in student loans. Dickinson graduates are elected to state offices. Skull and Key holds its annual winter formal. Dickinson loses to Franklin and Marshall in basketball. The Dickinsonian elects a new editor-in-chief. The Dickinson School of Law is elected as a member of the Association of American Law Schools. The Young People’s Fellowship begins panels to discuss popular issues, the first of which is “What is wrong with the movies?” The Athletic Association will elect officers on Monday.

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Dickinsonian, December 5, 1935

The Women's Choral Club assists Allison Memorial Church in their Christmas pageant, "The Conquest of Christmas". Team captains are abolished for all sports teams, beginning with the 1936 basketball team. The most successful football season in nearly twenty years draws to a close with the defeat of Muhlenberg.

Dickinsonian, January 10, 1929

An outbreak of influenza requires that the college open Conway Hall for the treatment of incapacitated students under the guidance of head nurse Catherine Guise.  Former professor Hazel Jane Bullock describes her adventures in Spain, having witnessed Spanish theatre and a bullfight in Madrid.  Thirteen Hundred Fans pack the newly completed Alumni Gymnasium for a basketball game against University of Pennsylvania.  A sign reading "Positively No Smoking" is posted in the coed dorm Old West.

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Dickinsonian, December 13, 1928

The Alumni Gymnasium plans to open on January 9th for a basketball game against the University of Pennsylvania.  "Brother Bill" Simpson, a lecturer on living a "Christ-like life today", roused the student body with his explanation of the Sermon on the Mount.

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Dickinsonian, March 8, 1928

Students await Samuel Grathwell's fiery "Getting By Your Hoodoo" lecture.  Victories against Gettysburg and Mt. St. Mary's conclude the basketball season and the old gymnasium is retired after a 44 game win streak.  Dickinson Law School Alumnus of 1904 David E. Kaufman is nominated as President Coolidge's Minister to Bolivia.  The Dickinson undergraduate debate team is defeated by the University of Oregon team, the first round-the-world undergraduate debate team.


Dickinsonian, March 1, 1928

Raymond Bell discusses the concept of television at a meeting of the Mohler Scientific Society.  Touring lecturer Samuel Grathwell to deliver his renowned "Getting by Your Hoodoo" speech on overcoming fears.  The basketball season ends with a game against Gettysburg.  The Dramatic Club presents its "Tea for Three" comedy show, starring Claude C. Bowman, Anna May Bell, and Fred A. Lumb.  The Student Senates meet with faculty to discuss student-faculty relations and the curriculum.

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Dickinsonian, February 23, 1928

This week's Dickinsonian reports that the Medley Relay Team takes third place at the annual intercollegiate Philadelphia meet. Martha Sloan, President of the Women's Student Senate of Wilson College, will discuss "Practical Problems of Student Government" at a meeting of the Women's Student Government Association. The Dickinsonian announces a contest to establish the most popular woman, from the male standpoint, at the college. A brief history of the establishment of the Dickinsonian is published. Prof. J. Ogden Franklin speaks to the college Y.M.C.A.


Dickinsonian, February 2, 1928

Mrs. Cora Wilson Stewart will lecture on illiteracy. President Morgan is taken to the hospital having suffered from a breakdown. Prof. F.E. Craver is considered for a supervising football coach next year. The Dickinson Players will present the comedy Tea For Three. Men's Senate passed a resolution requesting the publicity committee of that body to confer with the editor of The Dickinsonian in an effort to determine whether the paper could be improved. Organization of Alpha Gamma Honorary Journalistic Fraternity is completed.


Dickinsonian, January 19, 1928

Tentative plans are made for the formation of an Alpha Gamma honorary journalistic fraternity. In his Chapel address to the College, Dr. Samuel Parkes Cadman speaks on "The Gift of Imagination" and urges students to dream. President Morgan celebrates his 50th year of almost continuous service to Dickinson, his alma mater. The basketball team loses to Mt. St. Mary's and Gettysburg. Mrs. Cora Wilson Stewart will speak on "The Story of the Moonlight Schools," which explores illiteracy in the mountains of her native Kentucky. 

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Dickinsonian, December 15, 1927

The Debating squad packs a full schedule for the spring, including the annual triangular debate with Gettysburg and Muhlenberg. The junior class has decided to dedicate the 1929 Microcosm to William Weidman Landis, Professor of Mathematics and Astronomy. Dr. Samuel Parkers Cadman, President of the Federal Council of the Churches of Christ in America and well-known public speaker, will come to speak at Dickinson on Jan. 13th. The stylings of master impersonator William Sterling Battis are well received by students. The College Orchestra struggles with Chapel music.


Dickinsonian, December 8, 1927

The theme for the first annual student conference of Eastern Pennsylvania Y.M.C.A. and Y.W.C.A. is "Jesus: What is His part in my life?". The Dramatic Club will present two one-act plays--The Goose With the Golden Egg, with an all-freshman cast, and Mr. X, featuring an all-sophomore cast. The Y.W.C.A. and Women's Senate will host the annual Doll Show. The Chemistry department praises the collections held in the Scientific Museum in Tome. Impressionist William S. Battis will portray classic Dickens characters. The basketball season will open with a match against Princeton.

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Dickinsonian, November 3, 1927

Famed author and lecturer Dr. George A. Coe speaks on student government in colleges in chapel. Subjects for debate this year are chosen by the Pennsylvania State Debating Association and twenty men are chosen for the Dickinson debate squad. The football team takes a victory over the Pennsylvania Military College. Dr. Kirby Page will address the joint Y.M.C.A. and Y.W.C.A. meeting on world affairs. The College gets excited about homecoming weekend. Try-outs begin for the varsity basketball team.

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Dickinsonian, March 11, 1937

The Debate Team loses the first debate of the season. A date for the premiere of the Dramatic Club’s play The Royal Family is set. An article is found explaining that Dickinson was the beneficiary of the lottery in 1790. The All-College Social Committee plans a Pan-Hellenic week. An article relates the truth about American patriotism. A local entomologist discusses the harmful insects in the region. The Theological Society has converted the old commuter’s room in the basement of Old West into a religious center.


Dickinsonian, March 4, 1937

William Pearson Tolley, President of Allegheny College, gave a talk warning about the abandonment of land and a regression to wilderness, in contrast to the establishment of civilization. Clarence B. Hendrickson was given the award as All-Around Dickinsonian. The first baseball practice of the season will be held Monday. The Junior Prom included several Irish traditions, including a Blarney Stone and shamrock ceiling. The college announces a new award for good scholarship that will be awarded to multiple students.


Dickinsonian, February 25, 1937

The basketball team loses to Gettysburg. The Greek Club discusses ancient Greek elements in present day life. The Executive Committee of the Athletic Association makes decisions on issues regarding the freshmen. The Microcosm revises its staff. The Social Service Committee plans to collect old clothing from families in Carlisle and distribute them to the needy. Four seniors have been recommended for foreign exchange programs in France and Germany. The basketball team wins against Carnegie Tech.

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Dickinsonian, February 18, 1937

Robert L. Myers gives a talk on the newly enacted Social Security Act and unemployment in the country. After buying the adjacent properties, Dickinson plans to enlarge Biddle Field. The Debate Team schedule is posted. Fraternities and Sororities induct new members. In an effort to make peace between the two schools, an article suggests that Gettysburg students be allowed to attend Dickinson’s Junior Prom. The French Club holds a Winter Tea Dance. The Social Service Club works on mending books for a Salvation Army library.


Dickinsonian, February 11, 1937

Plans for the content of this year’s Microcosm are expanded. The Dramatic Club has started rehearsing for its next production, The Royal Family. The Student Senate discusses ways to create a better relationship between Gettysburg and Dickinson and how to increase scholarship among the freshmen. Plans to convert Moore house into a modern biology lab, to be called the Baird Biology Lab, are finally approved. Dr. Leon Cushing Prince, beloved teacher and scholar, passed away Sunday. The Dickinson Bowling team has won seven games in a row.


Dickinsonian, January 14, 1937

The Belles Lettres Society draws up a new constitution and plans to elect new officers. Twelve students from Dickinson and Gettysburg came together for a luncheon, at which they discussed the relationship between the two rival schools. The Dickinsonian elects its officers for the coming year. At the University of Utah, one young lady kissed a glass slide and placed it under a microscope. Glancing into the microscope, she was made aware of all the germs on her lips, and subsequently started a kissing strike among the women, much to the anger of the university’s male population.


Dickinsonian, December 17, 1936

Through the use of questionnaires, the American College Research Bureau outlines what quantities and brands of products students are more likely to buy. The Debate Team prepares for the big debate that will answer the question of whether or not Congress should have the power to set a minimum wage and limit the maximum number of industry hours. Many organizations contribute to the collection of toys to be given to orphanages. The basketball team wins against Moravian.

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Dickinsonian, December 10, 1936

The Dickinson Women’s Choir gives a performance of Handel’s Messiah at a local church. The Dramatic Club will present A Doll’s House at the end of January. A Professor of Surgery gives a talk on the causes of cancer to the Mohler Scientific Club. The basketball team is the first team to play against Roanoke in any sport. The Dickinson basketball team loses to Princeton.


Dickinsonian, February 27, 1953

Original drawings of Dickinson College by Benjamin Latrobe found. New College apartment building to be called Montgomery Hall. Professor Milton E. Flower presented a slide tour of Europe at a recent meeting of the International Relations Club. The Little Orchestra Society to visit Dickinson in March. Profile on student athlete, Lee Huber. Dickinson Basketball ends losing streak by defeating Western Maryland College.


Dickinsonian, January 9, 1953

Belles Lettres to present its first film attraction of the year, "All Quiet on the Western Front," on 15 January. Talent Show at the next chapel meeting. Cesare Siepi, star of the Metropolitan Opera, to sing on campus this evening. Pledges of Chi Omega win the annual skit competition. Profile on Dickinsonian, Kay Jordan. Dickinson Basketball defeats Bucknell and Trinity.


Dickinsonian, December 11, 1941

A joint-committee is created to organize and coordinate extra-curricular activities to to help with defense service or preparation. The most recent Student Opinion Surveys of America poll has revealed that students believe that war increases opportunities. The Red Cross to create a unit on Dickinson's campus which will be affiliated with the Carlisle branch. Plans are starting to be made in case of attack, specifically a mock air raid will be staged on Sunday (directions for the air raid are included in this issue). Metzger Hall held an open house for faculty last week.

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