Dickinsonian, February 15, 1901

Anniversary of Lincoln's birthday held in Bosler Hall. Belles Lettres Society has its one hundred and fifteenth anniversary. Phi Kappa Sigma dance. Washington's birthday banquet will be held in the gymnassium. Election of the 1903 heads of the Microcosm.

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Dickinsonian, October 3, 1925

Despite cold weather, the Annual College Picnic is a great success. The Belles Lettres Society received a letter from well-known minister and author Henry Van Dyke. The Interfraternity Scholarship Cup is presented to Phi Kappa Sigma. A meeting of the Interfraternity Council rejects the proposed arrangements for first year / fraternity interactions. A more moderate proposal calls for a series of gatherings in the college gymnasium where freshman will be the guests of fraternities. A novice tennis tournament is held to discover talent for next season's team.


Dickinsonian, October 11, 1901

The Carlisle Indians defeat Dickinson in football. Sigma Alpha Epsilon banquet. Beta Theta Pi reception. Phi Kappa Sigma euchre party. Glee Club holds tryouts in Bosler Hall. Phi Kappa Sigma reception. Obituary for Dr. Samuel J. Jones.


Dickinsonian, June 5, 1943

Tau Delta Pi holds farewell banquet for seniors; Elizabeth Keen, Helen Kretschmar, Edith Ann Lingle, Jane Treyz, and Jo Ann Wilson are initiated into Tau Delta Pi; Elinor Derr and Estelle Mumford become Tau Delta Pi officers. Phi Kappa Sigma and Zeta Tau Alpha hold spring formals. Wheel and Chain taps eight new members: Marion Bender, Edith Ann Lingle, Kathleen Briner, Elinor Derr, Goldie Kunkle, Jane Treyz, Doris Bacastow, and Catherine Stern. Second summer session to be held. President Fred P. Corson speaks at Easter Sunrise Service at Arlington National Cemetery.

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Dickinsonian, April 19, 1934

Omicron Delta Kappa plans Sub-Freshman day for prospective students. William R. Woodward received fellowship from Institute of International Education. Pennsylvania to revise its constitution, to hold Intercollegiate Constitutional Convention, Dickinson to participate. Benjamin R. Epstein, '33, receives Jusserand Fellowship and American German Student Exchagne fellowship. After-dinner inter-fraterntiy religious discussion series proves success. Dickinson Players plan to present "Dover Road". Klein S. Merriman receives Omicron Delta Kappa Outstanding Sophomore Award.

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Dickinsonian, March 9, 1933

Summary of events planned for upcoming various Dickinson Clubs' banquets. Basic schedule of the upcoming all-girls field day, which includes girls from other area colleges and universities. Description of frog dissections in Biology Lab. The Interfraternity Council denies the petitions of two Jewish fraternities who wished to be allowed on campus. Play-pageant based on the history of Dickinson is planned as a commencement activity for the sesquicentennial. Swarthmore girls vote to get rid of sororities. Phi Kappa Sigma awarded trophy for the interfraternity boxing championship.


Dickinsonian, March 2, 1933

Student committee on social affairs and the faculty social committee to change organization of social functions. About 25 students plan to go to Washington, D.C. for Franklin Roosevelt's presidential inauguration. Junior class votes to have Microcosm dedicated to Mr. Malcolm, the college's treasurer and superintendent of the grounds and buildings. Plans for students to go to a performance of one of Wagner's operas commence. Metzger Hall gets brighter lights by request of its residents. President Waugh proposes changes to the curriculum, which the faculty will vote on soon.

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Dickinsonian, January 19, 1933

Dickinson's Men's Basketball team defeated by Mount St. Mary. Students elect new Athletic Association officers. Someone stole medicine from the infirmary. Sigma Tau Phi is currently winning the Interfraternity Basketball Series. Students perform "The Haunted House" mystery play. President Waugh showed off his dance skills at the Skull and Key Ball. More action taken to plan the sesquicentennial dance. Microcosm beauty contests begins. New president of the Union Philosophical Society elected. Informal Student Investigation Committee on better school spirit presented their findings.


Dickinsonian, April 4, 1929

The Chi Omega and Phi Kappa Sigma fraternities renounce on-campus ties to political cliques and vow to allow members to vote according to personal sentiments.  The Harrisburg Mozart Festival commences its second annual program of concerts at William Penn High School in Harrisburg.


Dickinsonian, February 26, 1942

Lambda Sigma Pi elects eight new members. Union Philosophical Society to discuss "war aims" in their next meeting. A Student Opinion Surveys of America poll reveals that three of every five women are volunteering with civilian defense activities, but less than three of ten men, not already in the Armed Services, are helping with defense duties. Mid-Winter Ball was attended by 130 couples or 260 students. Three seniors elected to join Phi Beta Kappa.

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Dickinsonian, March 18, 1949

The Campus Chest Drive to raise money for various international charity organizations to begin in April; representatives to undergo training to promote more successful fundraising. Faculty aid in library is again highlighted, as well as new book acquisitions. Professor Flower announced newest art exhibition which will feature top American artists seen in a recent exhibition in Harrisburg. Phi Kappa Sigma wins Interfraternity Stunt Cup at Interfraternity Council Weekend for the second year in a row. Dr.

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Dickinsonian, December 14, 1956

The College shares plans to open a nature laboratory. Dickinson presents a television series over a Harrisburg channel. The Wheel and Chain offers a book trading service. Mildred Herrick serves as the College's guest librarian. The Dickinsonian begins a contest for students to write a caption for a photograph of some of their classmates. Phi Kappa Signma leads the Inter-Fraternity Volleyball Leagure.

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Dickinsonian, October 29, 1954

Class elections occur and fewer members of the freshman and sophomore class cast votes than anticipated. The Dickinsonian undergoes printing changes including being printed on new paper that will better highlight photographs. Homecoming weekend is next weekend, events including the alumni dinner, homecoming game and homecoming dance. The Union Philosophical Society will be hosting the Intercollegiate Conference on Government which will being about 200 delegates to Dickinson College to learn how the government operates.


Dickinsonian, October 8, 1954

Rush ends and 126 freshmen men pledge fraternities including Alpha Chi Rho, Beta Theta Pi, Kappa Sigma, Phi Delta Theta, Phi Epsilon Pi, Phi Kappa Psi, Phi Kappa Sigma, Sigma Alpha Epsilon, Sigma Chi and Theta Chi. The Dickinson Law School begins to require all applicants for admission to take the Law School Admissions Test. The annual trip to the UN is scheduled for October 17 and 18 which will allow students to attend a General Assembly session. A new Methodist church is being built on Benjamin Rush Campus. Parents' Day will be observed on October 16.


Dickinsonian, December 2, 1949

The Mermaid Players' inaugural production, "Ladies of the Jury," is an enormous success, its final performance being given the night of this publication. The college decides that all seniors taking Comprehensive Exams will be exempt from final exams in their major departments. Phi Kappa Sigma is crowned champion of the '49 Inter-Fraternity Football League.

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Dickinsonian, March 4, 2005

Cogan Fellows - a fellowship sponsored by the College - discuss with English majors the career possibilities for English majors. The Woman's Rugby Team comprised of Dickinsonians does not receive support from the College; however, they form a Carlisle community team called the Carlisle Hellbenders. Phi Kappa Sigma, although suspended, is permitted to continue organizing their philanthropic events. Stem Cell Research issue to be debated at a free public symposium. Alumnus profile on Courtney Piron '89. Club spotlight on The Sisterhood. Women's Track wins the Centennial Conference.


Dickinsonian, February 25, 2005

Issue includes articles on the decrease of the faculty course load - one aim to attract more distinguished professors. Several current campus issues caused increased turmoil within Student Senate. Keynote speaker at Commencement announced: Pennsylvania Governor, Ed Rendell. Phi Kappa Sigma fraternity suspended, and several letters to the editor dispute the issue. Spotlight on the Racquet Club. Alumnus profile on Peter Reilly '88. Women's basketball wins the Centennial Conference. Spotlight on student athlete, Meg Shelley '05.


Dickinsonian, January 29, 1998

Search begins for a new college president. Phi Kap brothers sentenced to 300 hours of community service for stealing Halloween decorations from local homes. Accidental severing of wires in construction of the library is to cost $50,000 to repair. Online bookstore provides alternative to students. Children's Center offers professors and their children shelter from national day care crisis. Dean's List membership expands by 88% due to new criteria. Student has run-in with Thai sex industry


Dickinsonian, April 10, 1985

Phi Kappa Sigma banned from Townhouses after damages incurred by them throughout semester. Amnesty International reorganizes on campus amid student interest, College faculty and financial support. 90% of reported violent behavior alcohol based, impels new policies encouraging activities alternative to drinking. Harrisburg Urban Semester discontinued indefinitely while Central Pennsylvania Consortium reviews program. Dickinson editorial board criticizes Phi Kappa Sigma decision, profiles Tulane University's basketball program.


Dickinsonian, August 30, 1984

New construction on campus, completion of 'Townhouses' on Louther. Housing shortage on campus results from larger freshman class, improved retention rate. College changes alcohol policy regarding kegs on campus, restricting them to fraternity housing only. Denny Hall completely renovated for first time since 1905, while additions to Snack Bar (Snar) lag behind schedule. Phi Kappa Sigma suspended for two years. Review of campus alcohol policies nationwide and on campus. Music review of Bruce Springsteen's "Born in the U.S.A." and accompanying concert tour.


Dickinsonian, October 9, 1986

The three-year suspension on Phi Kappa Sigma fraternity has just been lifted this academic year. Stuart Merl, a Carlisle Hospital physician, speaks out about AIDS and denies that AIDS is "a homosexual disease." Professors David Strand and Karyn Hollis are part of the Coalition Against Apartheid, that holds weekly meetings. BACCHUS, an organization on campus that speaks about alcohol on campus, has been trying to take measures to prevent underage drinking.

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