Dickinsonian Newspaper

Phi Delta Theta

Dickinsonian Front Page

Miss Mary Buttorff to be featured in the Philomel concert. All college miniature circus event. Microcosm story winners are announced. The shifters appear on campus. Sophomores are allowed to choose punishments for Freshmen guilty of violating rules. The common cold is spreading through campus...

Dickinsonian Front Page

Annual Tug-o'-War between Freshmen and Sophomores. The War Department requests that the college form a rifle club. The Greek Club will perform in Old West. Officers for all women organizations are chosen. Preparations for Alumni Day. Preparation for commencement activities. Dickinsonian...

Dickinsonian Front Page

Dickenson looses against Bucknell and Penn State in the annual triangular debate. The 14th annual banquet of the Dickinson Alumni Association is held in Harrisburg. Coach McAndrews issues the first call for baseball hopefulls. The Dickinson basketball team takes a 33-25 victory over Gettysburg....

Dickinsonian Front Page

Work begins on the new Phi Delta Theta colonial house. Distribution and sale of the 1932 Microcosm will take place in Bosler starting next week. Senate approves the 1931-1932 budget and passes two new rules involving elections. Founder's Day breakfast will be held by YWCA. The freshman badges...

Dickinsonian Front Page

The men's and women's glee club put on their first combined performance since 1925. The old Phi Delta Theta house will be turned into a psychology lab. The radio transmitter built by Dickinson students is fully operational and reaches several other radio stations in the eastern half of the...

Dickinsonian Front Page

Freshman football team plays charity game against Gettysburg to benefit Emergency Relief Fund of Carlisle. Phi Delta Theta House opens with festivities. Intercollegiate Newspaper association meets at Dickinson. YMCA plans Armistice day service. Football team begins to use water wagon designed by...

Dickinsonian Front Page

The chapter of Phi Delta Theta will host a convention on December 2 and 3 for several chapters of the fraternity. Discussion over the college's short wave radio broadcasting station and the messages it is able to send out and receive. Ping Pong becomes popular on campus. The very successful...

Dickinsonian Front Page

Approximately 40 sentences were given out to Freshmen by the Men's Student Tribunal for various infractions. Board of Trustees decides to offer 5 scholarships (full tuition for the students' first year) to those students with the best essays about John Dickinson. Article recounting the Phi Delta...

Dickinsonian Front Page

The Board of Trustees met and discussed modernizing the campus, the endowment, and alumni contributions. A speakers' bureaus will be formed to allow students to practice public speaking outside of debating. Plans for the Miami Triad formal dance, hosted by Beta Theta Pi, Phi Delta Theta and...

Dickinsonian Front Page

The Men's Senate attempts to get rid of politics from student government. Girls hosted their parents for a special church service and banquet for Mother's Day. Harris Green elected the president of next year's Senior class. Freshmen class attempt to get rid of politics in class elections....

Dickinsonian Front Page

Rev. Dr. Henry Smith Leiper, leader in the world movement for peace and Christian unity , speaks on "Germany's New Religion" at a meeting of the Young People's Fellowship.  Bill Nickels speaks about the trips taken by the Social Survey Committee.  Fraternities Beta Theta Pi, Phi Delta Theta, and...

Dickinsonian Front Page

The "Miami Triad" of Beta Theta Pi, Sigma Chi, and Phi Delta Theta, throws a dance featuring Don Peebles and his Orchestra.  Mr. Vinton Zeigler, minister, speaks on the state of Brooklyn slums.  Belles Lettres reviews modern literature.  The Dramatic Club continues to prepare "The Shining Hour...

Dickinsonian Front Page

Hell Week for fraternity pledges leaves Phi Kappa Psi pledges sweeping walkways for active members, Sigma Chi pledges going back to freshman rules, Phi Delta Thetas conducting mass on Molly Pitcher's grave and Sigma Alpha Epsilon pledges carting actives around like horses. Four students are...

Dickinsonian Front Page

Alpha Sigma Gamma, the honorary journalistic fraternity, taps two new members. President Corson encourages students to read more often. An article outlines the schedule for the new freshmen class "How to Make Good in College." Dickinson students campaign for J. Pearson Miller for burgess of...

Dickinsonian Front Page

The theme for the Mid-Winter Ball will be George Washington's birthday. Eight new members initiated into Phi Delta Theta. Five professors were among the 107 people that registered for the Armed Forces at Dickinson's third registration day. Kappa Sigma initiates five new members as Phi Mu...

Dickinsonian Front Page

More plans for Pan-Hell Week are being made, especially for the Pan-Hell Dance. A group of students is going with Prof. Fink to the 7th Annual Debaters Conference at State College. Defense stamps will be given when Kappa Sigma hosts its annual Spring Formal rather than corsages. Student Opinion...

Dickinsonian Front Page

Colonel Mathews brought in to teach the 'Pre-Induction Training Courses." Two Dickinson graduates begin aviation training. Dr. Landis, professor of Mathematics, dies. College staff member, George Shuman Jr, asks alumni for old issues of the Freshmen Handbook. A national survey discovers that...

Dickinsonian Front Page

A new defense course will be taught at Dickinson. Article on the history of the library. Article about students that left to help with forest fires, but they never found the fires. Article on a historian's opinion on American and war throughout history. Students involved with the Dickinson...

Dickinsonian Front Page

Kappa Sigma hosts delegates from seven schools for the fraternity's Pennsylvania convention. The Little Theater's production of Macbeth opens to good reviews. The Intercollegiate Conference on Government hosts a mock presidential election. Phi Delta Theta takes fist place in the 175 anniversary...

Dickinsonian Front Page

Honorable Irving H. Saypol, United States Attorney for the southern district of New York, will speak at the Omicron Delta Kappa Leadership Banquet. President Edel dedicates the cornerstone for the women's dormitory. Phi Delta Theta receives the Interfraternity Cup during Interfraternity Weekend...

Dickinsonian Front Page

Professors Flaherty and Mercer to address the International Relations Club. Phi Delta Theta wins the Display Contest at Homecoming. Charles Tharp is the new cataloging librarian. World famous blind pianist, Alec Templeton to play recital in December. Colonel Rachal praises the new ROTC program....

Dickinsonian Front Page

Rush ends and 126 freshmen men pledge fraternities including Alpha Chi Rho, Beta Theta Pi, Kappa Sigma, Phi Delta Theta, Phi Epsilon Pi, Phi Kappa Psi, Phi Kappa Sigma, Sigma Alpha Epsilon, Sigma Chi and Theta Chi. The Dickinson Law School begins to require all applicants for admission to take...

Dickinsonian Front Page

Sue Palmer is chosen as the new editor of the Microcosm Yearbook. World's leading recital cellist, Gregor Piatigorsky to perform for the last Cultural Affairs event of the academic year. Jeanne Thomas crowned the ROTC Dance Queen. The College celebrates the 185th Anniversary of its founding. A...

Dickinsonian Front Page

Five Dickinson fraternities participated in the annual Red Cross Drive of Carlisle, collecting money for the organization. The Communications Committee had it first meeting to discuss campus issues including the College's gift to the Allison Methodist Church, the Student Activities Building and...

Dickinsonian Front Page

A discussion on Dickinson's Honor Code will be sponsored by Danforth and Omicron Delta Kappa. All sororities and some fraternities are to hold Christmas parties for the underprivileged children of Carlisle. The Dickinson College Choir will be filmed performing in Harrisburg and broadcast on WHP...


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